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routing problems and recommendations on ways service providers can
limit the spread of invalid routing information.
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Reserved Network and Host Announcements
10.11.12/24 at Mae-East from Erols (AS6079) ASPATH=6079 10303 Incomplete
10.11.12/24 at Mae-East from Priori (AS10303) ASPATH=10303 Incomplete
10.11.12/24 at Mae-East from Dialnet (AS5552) ASPATH=5552 6079 10303 Incomplete
10.11.12/24 at Mae-West from Priori (AS10303) ASPATH=10303 Incomplete at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 5486 Incomplete at Mae-West from conxion (AS4544) ASPATH=4544 1760 IGP at Mae-East from Erols (AS6079) ASPATH=6079 10303 Incomplete at Mae-East from Priori (AS10303) ASPATH=10303 Incomplete at Mae-East from Dialnet (AS5552) ASPATH=5552 6079 10303 Incomplete at Mae-West from Priori (AS10303) ASPATH=10303 Incomplete
Reserved AS Numbers
AS65534 at Mae-East from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 4926 4926 4926 65534 IGP
AS65534 at AADS from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 4926 4926 4926 65534 IGP
AS65534 at PacBell from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 4926 4926 4926 65534 IGP
Largest Sources of BGP Instability
(announcements + withdraws = total)
1. idc (AS4694) at Mae-West 17 + 124239 = 124256 BGP prefix updates
2. GetNet (AS5784) at Mae-East 22 + 96214 = 96236 BGP prefix updates
3. NetKonect (AS6716) at Mae-East 0 + 74337 = 74337 BGP prefix updates
4. SPRINT (AS1239) at Mae-East 51407 + 15812 = 67219 BGP prefix updates
5. USCyber (AS4136) at Mae-East 0 + 45805 = 45805 BGP prefix updates
6. CompuServe (AS4183) at Mae-East 4 + 38041 = 38045 BGP prefix updates
7. Interpath (AS3407) at Mae-East 26 + 30670 = 30696 BGP prefix updates
8. CAIS (AS3491) at Mae-West 20408 + 5878 = 26286 BGP prefix updates
9. internetMCI (AS3561) at AADS 17021 + 8502 = 25523 BGP prefix updates
10. internetMCI (AS3561) at Mae-East 14995 + 8377 = 23372 BGP prefix updates
Instability Ranking of Service Providers
(The number of BGP announcements divided by the number
of routing table entries)
1. VisiNet(AS6261) at Mae-West 543.50 (8696 ann, 16 entries)
2. VisiNet(AS6261) at Mae-East 354.44 (5671 ann, 16 entries)
3. Cableol(AS5089) at Mae-East 251.00 (1004 ann, 4 entries)
4. NetAxs(AS4969) at Mae-East 72.72 (7345 ann, 101 entries)
5. CAIS(AS3491) at Mae-West 49.90 (20408 ann, 409 entries)
6. Nacamar(AS3257) at Mae-West 19.12 (918 ann, 48 entries)
7. Erols(AS6079) at Mae-East 16.64 (233 ann, 14 entries)
8. CableInet(AS5462) at Mae-West 16.59 (730 ann, 44 entries)
9. Nacamar(AS3257) at Mae-East 16.12 (951 ann, 59 entries)
10. AGIS(AS4200) at Mae-East 8.73 (8027 ann, 919 entries)
11. IOS(AS5000) at Mae-East 6.33 (133 ann, 21 entries)
12. IOS(AS5000) at Mae-West 6.24 (131 ann, 21 entries)
13. Megsinet(AS7194) at AADS 6.11 (116 ann, 19 entries)
14. WireHub(AS5496) at Mae-East 5.67 (85 ann, 15 entries)
15. INX(AS8218) at Mae-East 5.56 (317 ann, 57 entries)
16. ThePlanet(AS5388) at Mae-West 4.86 (175 ann, 36 entries)
17. Intermedia(AS6235) at Mae-East 4.68 (1104 ann, 236 entries)
18. GetNet(AS5784) at Mae-East 4.40 (22 ann, 5 entries)
19. Dialnet(AS5552) at Mae-East 4.28 (342 ann, 80 entries)
20. CableInet(AS5462) at Mae-East 3.93 (173 ann, 44 entries)
Count of Announced Prefixes with AS origin IRR Discrepancies
1. SPRINT (1239) at mae-east 3496
2. internetMCI (3561) at pb 620
3. BBNplanet (1) at mae-west 392
4. AGIS (4200) at mae-east 267
5. AT&T (6478) at aads 204
6. IBMGlobal (2685) at aads 196
7. Grid (6113) at pb 181
8. (5646) at aads 156
9. Digex (2548) at mae-west 142
10. CAIS (3491) at aads 140
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