Just for those of you who might be interested -- we have created a daily email
report on IPv6 (6Bone) routing stability/topology similar to the daily IPv4
You can subscribe by sending email to 6bone-routing-report-request@merit.edu.
- Craig
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Subject: 03/03/98 6Bone Routing Report
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This report is for 03/03/98.
Size of 6Bone Routing Table:
Max = 116, Min = 107, Average = 109
47 Unique Autonomous System (AS) numbers
BGP4+ Traffic Summary:
Announcements=15575 Withdraws=1206 Unique Routes=125
Poorly Aggregated Announcements:
00:10:29 3ffe:600:8000::10/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
22:22:32 3ffe:600:8000::12/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:15 3ffe:1500:0:0:fffe::/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
15:24:25 5f02:3000:c020:ae00:201d::/80 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:16 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:10/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
12:20:03 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:1/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:16 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:20/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:11/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:15 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:c/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:21/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:16 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:1c/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
13:20:15 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:4/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
13:20:15 3ffe:1001:1:ffff::/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
15:24:25 5f02:3000:c020:ae00:b180::/80 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:d/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:16 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:14/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:1d/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
15:41:17 3ffe:1001:1:ffff::1/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:5/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:16 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:24/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
12:20:27 5f21:ea00:c20c:e000:0:60::/96 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:15/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:25/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
13:20:15 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:8/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
13:20:14 3ffe:c00:8004:1::/80 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
13:20:16 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:18/126 from 3ffe:1c00:0:60::153 (237)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:9/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
12:20:04 3ffe:1500::fffe:0:0:19/126 from 3ffe:900:0:3::1 (1225)
The top five most active prefixes:
1. 3ffe:604:2::/48 had 2945 BGP+ Updates (246 unique aspaths)
1225 1275 559 5623 1717 1835 1849 786 1103 1891
1225 1275 559 5623 1717 1835 2839 1849 1103 1891 2607
1225 1849 5539 1273 1835 1717 786 1103 1891
1225 1275 1717 1103 1891
1225 48 109 786 1849 1103 1891
1225 109 1849 1835 1103 1891
1225 109 1849 1890 1103 1891
1673 1225 109 1849 1835 1717 1103 1891
1225 109 1849 5539 1273 1835 1103 1891
1225 109 786 1849 1835 1103 1891
1673 109 786 1849 5539 1273 1835 2839 1103 1891
2. 3ffe:301:dec2::/48 had 2592 BGP+ Updates (236 unique aspaths)
1673 109 1849 3582 293 1103 1891 1718 1221
1225 109 786 1849 3582 1103 1891 1718 1221
1673 1103 1891 1718 1221
1225 48 5609 1849 1835 1103 1891 1718 1221
1225 1275 1717 1835 1849 786 1103 1891 1718 1221
1225 48 5609 1849 3582 3274 5539 1273 1835 1103 1891 1718 1221
1225 1275 559 1717 786 1849 1103 1891 1718 1221 2607
1225 1849 2839 1103 1891 1718 1221
1225 48 109 786 1849 1103 1891 1718 1221 2607
1673 1225 48 1752 3185 786 109 1849 1103 1891 1718 1221
1225 48 1752 3185 786 109 1849 1835 1103 1891 1718 1221
3. 3ffe:600:8000::10/126 had 2512 BGP+ Updates (162 unique aspaths)
1225 1849 5609 2839 1103 1891 1718 1717
1225 1103 1891 1718 1717
1673 109 1849 1225 1103 1891 1718 1717
1225 109 1849 1890 1103 1891 1718 1717
1673 109 48 5609 1225 1275 559 5623 1849 1103 1891 1718 1717
1225 64512 109 1849 5539 1273 1835 1103 1891 1718 1717
1673 109 1225 1849 786 1103 1891 1718 1717
1673 109 48 1225 1275 1103 1891 1718 1717
1225 109 786 1849 5539 1273 1835 1103 1891 1718 1717
1225 1275 559 5623 1849 3582 1103 1891 1718 1717
1225 109 48 5609 2839 3263 1835 1849 5539 3274 1103 1891 1718 1717
4. 3ffe:301:dec1::/48 had 2469 BGP+ Updates (190 unique aspaths)
1225 1275 1717 1103 1891
1673 1225 1275 1717 1835 1103 1891
1225 48 109 786 1849 1103 1891
1225 109 1849 5539 1273 1835 1103 1891
1225 1849 1835 1103 1891
1225 1849 1890 1103 1891
1225 1275 1717 786 1849 1103 1891 2607
1673 109 1225 1275 559 5623 1717 1835 1849 5539 3274 1103 1891
1225 1673 109 48 5609 1849 1103 1891 2607
1673 1225 1275 559 5623 1717 1835 1849 5539 3274 1103 1891
1225 109 1849 5623 1717 1103 1891
5. 3ffe:1dec::/32 had 2465 BGP+ Updates (198 unique aspaths)
1225 48 109 1849 1890 1103 1891 1718
1225 1275 1103 1891 1718
1225 1275 1717 1835 1849 5609 2839 1103 1891 1718
1225 1275 1717 1835 1103 1891 1718
1673 1225 1849 5609 2839 1103 1891 1718
1673 1225 109 1849 1835 1103 1891 1718
1673 109 1225 1275 1717 786 1849 1103 1891 1718 2607
1225 48 1752 3185 786 109 1849 5539 1273 1835 1103 1891 1718
1225 1849 1835 3263 1103 1891 1718
1225 1275 1717 1835 1849 3582 293 1103 1891 1718
1673 109 48 5609 2839 1103 1891 1718
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-- Craig Labovitz labovit@merit.edu Merit Network, Inc. http://www.merit.edu/~labovit 4251 Plymouth Road, Suite C. (313) 764-0252 (office) Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785 (313) 647-3185 (fax)
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