04/22/98 Internet Routing Problems

From: stats@merit.edu
Date: Thu Apr 23 1998 - 10:00:14 EDT

See http://www.merit.edu/ipma for a more detailed report on
routing problems and recommendations on ways service providers can
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Reserved Network and Host Announcements
1 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=3
1 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=3
1 at Mae-West from EUnet (AS286) ASPATH=3
1 at Mae-West from EUnet (AS286) ASPATH=3
1 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=2
1 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=2 at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1833 1299 3301 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1670 IGP at Mae-West from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1670 IGP at PacBell from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1670 IGP at Mae-East from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1327 1684 IGP at Mae-West from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1327 1684 IGP at PacBell from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1327 1684 IGP
2 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=1
2 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=1
2 at Mae-West from EUnet (AS286) ASPATH=1
2 at Mae-West from EUnet (AS286) ASPATH=1
2 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=2
2 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=2 at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at AADS from AIS (AS6081) ASPATH=6081 7053 7053 7053 7053 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 IGP at Mae-East from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1324 IGP at Mae-West from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1675 IGP at PacBell from ANS (AS1673) ASPATH=1673 1675 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6371 7997 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from Home (AS6172) ASPATH=6172 IGP at Mae-West from Home (AS6172) ASPATH=6172 IGP at Paix from Home (AS6172) ASPATH=6172 IGP
3 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=2
3 at Mae-West from EUnet (AS286) ASPATH=2
3 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=4
4 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=5
4 at Mae-West from CaryNet (AS4751) ASPATH=5
4 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=5
5 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=6
5 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=6
5 at Mae-West from CaryNet (AS4751) ASPATH=6
5 at Mae-West from CaryNet (AS4751) ASPATH=6
5 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=6
5 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=6
6 at Mae-East from Intermedia (AS6235) ASPATH=1
6 at Mae-West from EUnet (AS286) ASPATH=1
6 at PacBell from OurWorld (AS7594) ASPATH=1

Reserved AS Numbers
AS64600 at Mae-East from Genuity (AS3847) ASPATH=3847 6201 701 297 64600 IGP

AS65000 at Mae-East from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 4230 65000 IGP

AS65515 at Mae-East from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 6849 5415 65515 8207 IGP

AS64600 at Mae-West from Genuity (AS3847) ASPATH=3847 6201 701 297 64600 IGP

AS64600 at AADS from Genuity (AS3847) ASPATH=3847 6201 701 297 64600 IGP

AS65515 at AADS from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 6849 5415 65515 8207 IGP

AS65515 at PacBell from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 6849 5415 65515 8207 IGP

AS64600 at Paix from Genuity (AS3847) ASPATH=3847 6201 701 297 64600 IGP

Largest Sources of BGP Instability
(announcements + withdraws = total)

1. internetMCI (AS3561) at Mae-East 125933 + 18372 = 144305 BGP prefix updates
2. SPRINT (AS1239) at Mae-East 90471 + 32999 = 123470 BGP prefix updates
3. internetMCI (AS3561) at AADS 96333 + 19618 = 115951 BGP prefix updates
4. BBNplanet (AS1) at Mae-East 96295 + 7994 = 104289 BGP prefix updates
5. internetMCI (AS3561) at PacBell 49634 + 17548 = 67182 BGP prefix updates
6. MainStreet (AS3720) at Mae-West 0 + 54474 = 54474 BGP prefix updates
7. CWIX (AS5683) at Mae-East 30016 + 7972 = 37988 BGP prefix updates
8. AGIS (AS4200) at Mae-East 33875 + 3698 = 37573 BGP prefix updates
9. AT&T (AS6478) at AADS 21235 + 5066 = 26301 BGP prefix updates
10. AT&T (AS6478) at PacBell 21315 + 4188 = 25503 BGP prefix updates

Instability Ranking of Service Providers
(The number of BGP announcements divided by the number
of routing table entries)

1. AIMnet(AS3763) at Mae-West 8.73 (454 ann, 52 entries)
2. IBMGlobal(AS2685) at AADS 5.33 (501 ann, 94 entries)
3. Nacamar(AS3257) at Mae-West 5.10 (362 ann, 71 entries)
4. highway1(AS7922) at Mae-East 4.78 (43 ann, 9 entries)
5. highway1(AS7922) at Mae-West 4.67 (42 ann, 9 entries)
6. Nacamar(AS3257) at Mae-East 3.99 (291 ann, 73 entries)
7. OurWorld(AS7594) at Mae-West 2.86 (514 ann, 180 entries)
8. Erols(AS6079) at Mae-East 2.80 (42 ann, 15 entries)
9. EXODUS(AS3967) at PacBell 2.66 (317 ann, 119 entries)
10. AGIS(AS4200) at Mae-East 2.59 (4806 ann, 1857 entries)
11. ThePlanet(AS5388) at Mae-East 2.43 (216 ann, 89 entries)
12. ThePlanet(AS5388) at Mae-West 2.35 (195 ann, 83 entries)
13. OurWorld(AS7594) at Paix 2.33 (419 ann, 180 entries)
14. InterAccess(AS3789) at AADS 2.30 (62 ann, 27 entries)
15. MainStreet(AS3720) at Mae-West 2.29 (78 ann, 34 entries)
16. EXODUS(AS3967) at AADS 2.19 (295 ann, 135 entries)
17. ISI.Net(AS6196) at Mae-East 2.19 (236 ann, 108 entries)
18. EXODUS(AS3967) at Mae-East 2.16 (291 ann, 135 entries)
19. INAP.net(AS5646) at AADS 2.03 (3578 ann, 1764 entries)
20. ISI.Net(AS6196) at Mae-West 1.85 (213 ann, 115 entries)

Count of Announced Prefixes with AS origin IRR Discrepancies
(See http://www.merit.edu/ipma/problems/)

1. SPRINT (1239) at mae-east 3774
2. internetMCI (3561) at aads 729
3. BBNplanet (1) at mae-east 442
4. AGIS (4200) at mae-east 371
5. Grid (6113) at pb 343
6. IBMGlobal (2685) at mae-east 330
7. Digex (2548) at mae-west 320
8. AT&T (6478) at pb 245
9. INAP.net (5646) at aads 209
10. CAIS (3491) at mae-west 158

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