Re: [nsp] bgp regexp

From: Jon Lewis (
Date: Wed Sep 16 1998 - 20:43:08 EDT

On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Danny McPherson wrote:

> Hrrmmm.. A quick check reveals that "conf net"
> works, although I'm not sure the regexp funtions
> correctly :-)
> >ip as-path access-list 10 permit _10674_([0-9]+)?$

It appears to do what I'd intended. What makes you say that? With a pair
of T1's to 2 different providers, I'm balancing output traffic by using 2
route-maps that uses a single as-path access-list to selectively send
traffic for certain paths through one provider, and send everything else
to the other. That part's working fine, and the traffic balances quite
nicely. The real problem (and I don't know how/if I can solve it) is
input traffic.

With 1 T1 to a tier 1 backbone, and 1 to a regional that connects to
several tier 1's, most of our input is coming from the regional because
one of their tier 1 providers connects to much more of the net than our
tier 1. I do prepending on our announcement to our tier 1 to make the
as-paths equal in length...but we still aren't getting much input on that
T1. I'm afraid if I take out the prepend, nearly all our traffic will
come in that T1...but I may try it and see. For anyone interested, sh ip
bgp will give you any details I've omitted.

 Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
 Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
 Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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