Re: [nsp] bgp regexp

From: Danny McPherson (
Date: Wed Sep 16 1998 - 21:55:01 EDT

Jon Lewis wrote:
>It appears to do what I'd intended. What makes you say that?

I should clarify.. I didn't mean that your rgexp would not function
correctly, I meant that because it was tftp'd to the router the Cisco
could potentially mis-interpret it...

As for the input load-balancing issues, you should see if your
providers offer any community-based solutions such as those proposed
in rfc1998.


> With a pair
>of T1's to 2 different providers, I'm balancing output traffic by using 2
>route-maps that uses a single as-path access-list to selectively send
>traffic for certain paths through one provider, and send everything else
>to the other. That part's working fine, and the traffic balances quite
>nicely. The real problem (and I don't know how/if I can solve it) is
>input traffic.
>With 1 T1 to a tier 1 backbone, and 1 to a regional that connects to
>several tier 1's, most of our input is coming from the regional because
>one of their tier 1 providers connects to much more of the net than our
>tier 1. I do prepending on our announcement to our tier 1 to make the
>as-paths equal in length...but we still aren't getting much input on that
>T1. I'm afraid if I take out the prepend, nearly all our traffic will
>come in that T1...but I may try it and see. For anyone interested, sh ip
>bgp will give you any details I've omitted.
> Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
> Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
> Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
>______ for PGP public key____

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