I think you're looking for "neighbor x.x.x.x update-source loopback0". Unless
otherwise specified, the updates are sourced using the outbound interface IP
> Not sure if I'll be able to explain this well, but:
> We've got a "triangular" network - three geographically separate
> borders. Other facts are as follows:
> We're running IBGP between all, and OSPF internally.
> We're using loopback interfaces for IBGP updates.
> Each border knows, via ospf, how to find it's neighbors' loopbacks -
> verified via sh ip ro <neighbor's lo0> and sh ip ospf neig <neigbor's
> lo0> - everything seems normal.
> The problem: All three routers *seem* to be fine ospf-wise. Router A
> is speaking IBGP with router B and router C. Router B is speaking IBGP
> with router A and router C. Router C is speaking IBGP with router B,
> but not router A. Further analysis shows a failure to establish a TCP
> session with router A. Using the serial interface address instead of
> the loopback for BGP updates restores TCP/IBGP. (Again, according to
> OSPF, the route to the loopback _is known_)
> I'm stumped. Hopefully I'm overlooking something obvious - any ideas
> would be appreciated :)
> Thanks,
> Brian
> --
> Brian Wallingford
> Network Operations Manager
> Meganet Communications, TCIx, Inc.
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