Re: Foundry ServerIrons also discussed on this list?

From: Brent Van Dussen (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 16:23:59 EST

>Did I just have a run of bad luck, hitting two problem versions in a
>row? Are others out there finding that most new releases work well for

The original code rev you mentioned sounds exactly like what Alteon ships
out of the box with their 180's and 180E's I think it's 5.2.13

Regardless, we have been using software revs on our serveriron's since the
early 6.x trains. While problems have of course not been nonexistant, none
have been as severe as you describe. Upon contacting Foundry support,
we've found that a lot of our problems were misconfigurations that broke
something else. Code upgrades remain quite painless with a sub 20 second
reload time.

Comparing Foundry to Alteon, both load balancers have had their share of
problems, usually fixed with a code upgrade, and neither seems more or less
frequent than the other. We've come to deal with it and have found a
relatively stable version for the ServerIrons that we've been deploying for
the last couple of months: 07.01.14.


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