Re: [f-nsp] Comment and ACL Question

From: Andy Walden (
Date: Sat Aug 24 2002 - 18:36:00 EDT

On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Craig Bernstein wrote:

> Before I pose my question, I wanted to comment on Marshall's reply to
> Andrew. In several recent threads, Marshall has replied something to the
> effect of "Do you have a contract? -- Call your AM/SE/the TAC." I would
> like to suggest that most mailing list users knew that route already, and
> chose to ask their question here anyway.

Marshall has a nice history of adding propaganda into any technical
conversation and not actually providing anything of use on several lists
including NANOG. At least here he isn't completely off charter. Got to
give it to him for following the company line, but I think the
"Marketing" part of his title simply states the source of his modus
operandi best.


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