> If anyone know of any technical study, research, or analysis on OSPF
> (or IS-IS, BGP) convergence, delay or any issue regarding how the IP
> network will survive under severe failure, please let me know.
The following papers on may be of interest:
- Aman Shaikh, Lampros Kalampoukas, Rohit Dube, and Anujan Varma,
"Routing Stability in Congested Networks: Experimentation and
Analysis," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, August/September 2000.
(looks at the impact of lost HELLO messages on OSPF and BGP)
- C. Alaettinoglu, V. Jacobson, H. Yu, "Towards Milli-Second IGP
Convergence," Internet Draft draft-alaettinoglu-isis-convergence-00,
November 2000.
(looks at the impact of HELLO timers, route computation, and
flooding on IS-IS convergence)
- C. Labovitz, A. Ahuja, F. Jahanian, "Experimental Study of Internet
Stability and Wide-Area Network Failures," Proc. Fault Tolerant
Computing Symposium, 1999.
(looks at the impact of failures on OSPF and BGP)
There are several papers that focus specifically on BGP:
- C. Labovitz, R. Malan, F. Jahanian, "Internet Routing Instability,"
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 6, number 5, October 1998.
(looks at extensive traces of BGP updates and discovers anomalies)
- C. Labovitz, R. Malan, F. Jahanian, "Origins of Internet Routing
Instability," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, June 1999.
(looks at the impact of network congestion on BGP stability)
- C. Labovitz, A. Ahuja, A. Bose, F. Jahanian, "An Experimental Study
of Delayed Internet Routing Convergence," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, August/
September 2000.
(looks at the convergence delay of BGP)
There has also been papers about the fact that BGP does not necessarily
converge (depending on the routing policies). See the papers on the
"global sanity of BGP routing" at
as well as
- Danny McPherson, Vijay Gill, Daniel Walton, and Alvaro Retana,
"BGP Persistent Route Oscillation Condition," Internet Draft
draft-ietf-idr-route-oscillation-00.txt, March 2001.
Best wishes...
-- Jennifer
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