-> In a nutshell, we can view three choices for TE
-> 1. Traditional traffic modelling taken from the well tested
-> telephone networks by all possion modelling ,FBM , erlang
-> calculation and all those stuff
-> 2. Using IP network TE as proposed by Dr.Jennifer and et all
-> in "NETSOPE " and also by optimizing OSPF weights
-> 3. Use the option of Multiservice networks like MPLS to TE by
-> service diff and other QoS optimization principles....
We have had many discussions on this subject.
You may look at this thread...
-> Can they not combine all this work and provide a posisble
-> solution
After the above discussion, authors presented a combined
approach to IETF TEWG:
-> Also one more question regarding this issue...when we have BW
-> why should we do TE ???? Is there is any place where we need TE
-> mecahnisms even when their is infinite BW .
You are asking for something impractical...
Look at an extract from ...
An important objective of Internet traffic engineering is to
facilitate reliable network operations [RFC-2702]. Reliable network
operations can be facilitated by providing mechanisms that enhance
network integrity and by embracing policies emphasizing network
survivability. This results in a minimization of the vulnerability
the network to service outages arising from errors, faults, and
failures occurring within the infrastructure.
Bandwidth is just one of the resource. But traffic engineering is
more than just links and bandwidth. If you assume, every link in the
Internet has infinite bandwidth then, there won't be any
need for end-to-end argument. Give consideration to greedy citizens
of Internet community... ;-)
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