I'm willing to host sub-mailing lists and sub-webpages
and give accounts w/ web access to post things on pages.. :)
I'm mostly here lurking and to provide operational experiences
that I encounter and have encountered.
- Jared
On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 03:46:34PM -0800, Avri Doria wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if perhaps we could use the list to figure out
> work items and then have folks sign on to work on these things.
> Alternatively someone could actually enlist folk to 'design teams'
> or whatever. The reason I suggest this is that random discussions
> on the list may make use feel better and get some of the ideas out,
> but it doesn't seem to lead to any real work getting done.
> The first thing I would think we need to do is write up the
> requirements we are trying to fufill in our effort to come up
> with a new routing architecture we can evolve into. Perhaps
> someone can be charged with editing that doc and then we could
> start to collect the content on this list. there have been a few
> discussions on this list and many off the list that would
> certainly provide the necessary fodder to start this doc.
> >From there you guys (i.e co-chairs) could enlist a design team,
> or perhaps teams, to start working on solutions to the requirements.
> I don't know if this this is the right thing to do,
> but think there is a colleciton of people on this list who feel
> the urge to do something, but don't quite have it together to
> actually get started. and it would be really cool to actually
> have docs to talk about at the next ietf.
> a.
> --
> Avri Doria
> +1 401 663 5024
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine. END OF LINE | Manager of IP networks built within my own home
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