A new Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
This draft is an Individual Submission regarding a new micro-mobility
approach for legacy terminals.
Title : Terminal Independent Mobile IP (TIMIP)
Author(s) : P. Estrela, A. Grilo, T. Vazão, M. Nunes
Filename : draft-estrela-timip-00.txt
Pages : 10
Date : March 2002
IP mobility protocols usually assume that the mobile nodes have a
mobility-aware IP stack, which is still a scenario that can seldom
be found nowadays. Most terminals, including laptops and PDAs, still
use legacy IP stacks, limiting their use to layer-2 mobility between
Access Points (APs) connected to the same Access Router (AR) within
a single IP subnet. This document presents Terminal Independent
Mobile IP (TIMIP), which supports IP mobility of mobility-unaware
mobile nodes with legacy IP stacks, while fully interoperating with
Mobile IP to provide macromobility across IP subnets.
A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
All comments, reviews and suggestions are welcome; please send them
directly to pedro.estrela@inesc.pt , and not to these mailing lists.
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