IRTF Routing Research Group
31 July 2000, 1:00pm.
notes by jhawk and ahuja
Intro - abha
Who we are. What we are.
Reviewed list of topics.
Added load-based routing to the list of topics.
Topic list:
routing convergence, stability and scalability
fault tolerance
Quality of Service routing
multicast routing
Extremely dynamic contraint-based routing
Traffic engineering
NAT and IPv6 routing
optical networks and routing
operational concerns of routing
load-based routing
Goal of this meeting: introduce who we are, what we are about and
encourage discussion about routing issues.
Sean's Talk
IRTF generic.
Steal from the end2end research group model
Four obvious streams of routing research
a) current behavior
b) projections of lifetimes
c) what next
d) broad sugggestions
Noel: group could recommend to IAB and IESG as to how we should procede.
need to make fundamental change.
IAB rubberstamping/charter-adjustment stuff.
DWDM - limit of 40 giga-bits/channel, up to 512 channels per fiber.
parallel but not fate-sharing links
2 approaches:
a) expose all channels to routing system
b) abstract all
links into one huge link/line.
ugly scaling issues: too much state? inefficiency and error recovery.
Curtis: solved problem issue? explicit routing/mpls bandwidth
Layer integration. Optical integrating with ip/sdh etc.
Control plane: many more routers to configure, etc. hundreds of
thousands of devices.
"Swedish Problem": 3 million households, 5mbps full-time bandwidth to
each household. Lack of ability to change ISPs, etc.
Other jurisdictions [cable, gas, etc.]. Can this stuff scale?
"An exchange point in every neighborhood?!" "opportunity cost" of
multihoming is getting very cheap!
Geoff: concern about carrier motiviation to have resiliency. carriers
have no motivation to provide resiliency.
ALE-type expectancy of the routing system?
Noel: TANSTAAAFL for multihoming. Lack of cost-feedback for multihoming
via the routing system.
Curtis: aggregation lossage. Aggregation is not as good as it could be.
Aggregation across providers.
Topic in current routing research:
Convergence - abha
Measurement of BGP Convergence. Craig Labovitz, Abha, Farnam Jahanian,
abhijit Bose.
Path vector algorithms slow to convergence.
"Restoral not an issue...
bad news travels fast
aspath limitting fixes converegence
more band
convergence study how? failure/repair data?
factorial-space convergence problems happen in the 6bone!
Curtis: "link state sucks too". dkatz presentations. flooding scaling
BGP Table Analysis - Geoff
Geoff Huston:
exponential routing table growth since 99.
unique ASes.
/32s per AS from 16k to 13k in 9 months.
33k-routes covered by other aggregates.
only 10% aggregatable by telstra in AU.
PIARA brief discussion.
Observation of 100mbps deployment in 1998.
See the web page for tables, etc.
Nimrod - Noel
Noel: "String theory described as 21st century physics that fell into the
the 20th century; nimrod as 21st century routing fell into the 20th
century." { Nimrod talk }
Explicit routing architectures: nice testing, one node can update
Topology and abstraction are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.
No. 1 goal: extend lifetime of the system.
Van: Architecture has to match with business models.
//abha ;)
abha ahuja
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