A group of us (from vendor, service provider and academia) have been
talking about requirements for future routing architectures for a
while. We decided to make an independent attempt at collecting these
requirements into a single document.
The draft result is draft-davies-fdr-req-00.txt
(Elwyn Davies is the main editor, but he is on vacation and therefore
I am sending this note to the list)
This has been submitted to the I-D folks and, all things being equal,
will be included in the repositories in time.
However, we had a computer disaster a few hours before the deadline,
and the formatting in the released version is horrid. In fact it may
not pass the 72 X 58 rule.
A better formatted version is available at
//www.cdt.luth.se/babylon/drafts (txt, pdf and ps available)
The authors of this draft are painfully aware that we have not been
able to cover everything in the detail that it deserves. And we are
sure that there are topics that we completely overlooked. But we
offer this draft to this group as way to continue our discussions.
We plan on updating this after the submission period reopens after
the IETF. And while this draft is not going to be discussed in
any of the meetings, we would very much appreciate comments on ways
to improve the document. We hope it will provoke some discussion
on this list as well.
--Avri Doria +1 401 663 5024
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