[j-nsp] Any plans for SCU accounting?

From: Dmitri Kalintsev (dek@hades.uz)
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 20:10:52 EDT

Hi Juniper people,

Does anybody have any information on whether Juniper is making any plans
or efforts to create/implement something that could be called Source Class
Usage accounting? Existing billing options are somewhat of limited value for
us, who charge customers for traffic they consume rather than for traffic
they generate (US billing model)..


 CCNP, CCDP (R&S)                          Dmitri E. Kalintsev
 CDPlayer@irc               Network Architect @ connect.com.au
 dek @ connect.com.au    phone: +61 3 9674 3913 fax: 9251 3666
 http://-UNAVAIL-         UIN:7150410    cell: +61 414 821 382

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