Re: [j-nsp] Tool to go from Cisco config to Junper config

From: Berislav Todorovic (
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 19:08:39 EST

On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 wrote:

>> I know Juniper guys have such a tool (called I-to-J or C-to-J, I'm not
>> sure), but I'm pretty sure it's not something they won't give it, nor
>> support it

Configuration converters in general produce ugly and hard-to-read configs
(like most of programming language converters and preprocessors). So,
full conversion of IOS configuration is something I would never recommend
as a good practice.

The only place where automation makes sense are Cisco access lists. A
script to convert access lists to firewall filters would be really neat
to have. I managed to write it for standard Cisco acl's. Extended lists
would require a bit more time (which I don't have), a bit more parsing
(they have a lot of protocols, options etc.). Here's the script:

# Convert standard acl's from IOS to JUNOS firewall policies:
# Example:
# access-list 1 permit
# access-list 1 deny host
# access-list 1 permit any

gawk 'BEGIN {
    term = oldterm = "";
    seq = 0;
} { \
    if ($1!="access-list")
    if ($2 < 100) # Standard lists
    else # Extended lists - not supported by this script
    if (term!=oldterm)
    if (term=="permit")
        action=" then accept";
        action=" then reject";
    if ($4=="any") {
    } else if ($4=="host") {
    } else {
    prefix = 32;
    split (netmask, byte, ".");
    for (i=1; i<=4; i++)
        prefix -= log(byte[i]+1)/log(2);
    print "set firewall filter list"$2" term "term" from address "address"/"prefix;
    print "set firewall filter list"$2" term "term action;
}' $1


--------- Berislav Todorovic, Senior NOC Specialist --------
------- KPNQwest N.V. - IP NOC (formerly EUnet NOC) ------
---- Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 78, 2595 AN Den Haag, NL ----
--- Phone: +31-70-379-3990; Mobile: +31-651-333-641 ---
-- Email: <=> --
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