Try for example:
syslog {
user * {
any emergency;
file messages {
any notice;
authorization info;
# run show log messages | match commit
Dec 17 13:47:27 Titan mgd[37133]: UI_COMMIT: user 'XY' performed 'commit'
(you can log all executed commands with using "interactive-commands")
For interactive displaying log file, use:
# run monitor start messages (or another file, where logging goes to..)
Hope it helps..
----- Original Message -----
From: "Manpreet Singh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 4:05 PM
Subject: Method to find any changes in configuration
> Hi,
> I'd like to be informed whenever changes are made to the Juniper
> router's configuration. Are there any mechanisms to do this ? The one
> simple solution i know of is, repeatedly polling the router and matching
> the running-config with the version present in my version control
> system. A pointer to any better approach is appreciated.
> -Thanks in Advance,
> Manpreet
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