Re: setup firewall

From: Andrew Partan (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 11:35:35 EST

> Now I am working on setup a M40 as a broader router, at the up-stream
> interface, I want to setup a firewall filter. Does anyone have
> experience in setup a similiar thing ? I have configured same thing on
> CIsco product but this is the first time to use Juniper router. I hope
> that you all can share some experience to me.

Attached is an example from one of my routers. There is more stuff
that you can do with it but I have not investigated it.

firewall {
    filter ssh {
        term permit {
            from {
                source-address {
                protocol tcp;
                destination-port [ ssh telnet ];
            then accept;
        term deny {
            from {
                protocol tcp;
                destination-port [ ssh telnet ];
            then {
                count ssh-deny;
                reject port-unreachable;
        term remainder {
            then accept;

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