[j-nsp] apologies

From: Jared Mauch (jared@puck.nether.net)
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 14:34:50 EDT

        I'm the list maintainer for cisco-nsp, juniper-nsp and
a variety of other mailing lists hosted on puck.nether.net.

        puck.nether.net uses software called smartlist to deliver messages
to your mailbox. The distribution of messages is based on the addresses
contained in a file called "dist" for each list. This is typically
a hardlink to another list called "accept". In order to prevent
UCE/spam from getting to the list, we restrict posting to those people
in the accept file.

        In order to allow posting from multiple addresses (eg:
jared@nether.net, jared@puck.nether.net) I remove the hardlink and have
two seperate files. (This is why some of you may see delays in your
postings, and see that I "bounce" them to the list).

        The failure we experienced causing people to get subscribed to
juniper-nsp resulted from an attempt to insure that the accept file was
up-to-date. The juniper-nsp dist file was still a hardlink (which I did not
notice). I went and appended the combination of all the lists accept files
into the accept file. The hardlink caused all of those people to be added
to the dist list and begin to get messages.

        The hardlink has since been removed. I'm sorry for the extra
messages and subscriptions.

        Some of you are subscribed at old addresses (i found one of my
old addresses subscribed too). If you need help please drop me a note
saying juniper-nsp in the subject line and if possible include domain-name
and username combinations that you used and I will edit the file and
remove you.

        I think i've cleaned up all the cases where
jared@nether.net and jared@NETHER.net (for example) are subscribed.

        Once again, please accept my apologies.

        - Jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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