[alcatel-nsp] LSP Stats

Kirby Files kfiles at masergy.com
Tue Oct 28 08:47:22 EDT 2008

Is anyone successfully collecting LSP usage statistics on a 7750? I've 
tried enabling SDP accounting, as described in the System Guide:

        accounting-policy 2 interval 5
             description "default policy"
             record complete-sdp-ingress-egress
             to file 4
             no shutdown

This created an accounting file, but with no SDP stats in it.

I've tried polling vRtrMplsLspOctets from the The TIMETRA-MPLS-MIB, 
which is supposed to expose LDP octets:

Can anyone suggest other ideas to get the octets and packets for LDP 
LSPs used for the SDPs on the 7750SR?

We're using 5.0.R14 on 7750 SR-7s, with recent IOMs and MDAs, and with 
chassis-mode b enabled.


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