[alcatel-nsp] Nokia 7360 experience needed

Brandon Ross bross at netuf.net
Wed Jan 10 16:46:24 EST 2018

We are in need of someone with experience on the Nokia (formerly Alcatel/ALU) 
7360 PON platform.  Initially we need some PS presales phone consultation help, 
with a potential to turn into a larger/longer term project if we are 
successful, so timing, location and length of engagement is TBD.  Rate is 
negotiable.  The work will be in the US, but most, if not all of it can be done 
remotely, so we don't care where you live as long as you can speak some 

If you know that platform or know someone that does that would be interested in 
doing some subcontracting, please send them my way.

Brandon Ross                                            Yahoo:  BrandonNRoss
Voice:  +1-404-635-6667                                        ICQ:  2269442
Signal Secure SMS, Viber, Whatsapp:  +1-404-644-9628     Skype:  brandonross
Schedule a meeting:  http://www.doodle.com/bross

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