[alcatel-nsp] BGP SNMP OID

Scott Weeks surfer at mauigateway.com
Fri Apr 26 15:40:42 EDT 2019

Hi Zach,

Apologies for the delay in response. I see I accidently 
wrote a very confusing email.  I wrote "I am trying to 
find the BGP SNMP OIB for received routes" when I meant 
"I am trying to find the BGP SNMP OID for number of
*advertised* prefixes to a BGP peer" from my network.

I tried to find TIMETRA-BGP-MIB online (but couldn't) 
and I looked through BGP4-MIB, but I can't find anything 
on how many prefixes my network is advertising to a peer.  
I have looked at places like these:


You don't happen to have the specific OID by any chance 
do you?

Thanks for the response!

-----Original Message-----
From: alcatel-nsp <alcatel-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net> 
On Behalf Of Scott Weeks

I am trying to find the BGP SNMP OIB for received routes 
on a BGP session and am having trouble.  I found received 
routes and a few others:       

but I am havin a heck of a time finding received routes 
from each peer.  Anyone here know what to snmpget?

--- zpuls at ksfiber.net wrote:
From: Zach Puls <zpuls at ksfiber.net>

You're going to want to walk the bgp4PathAttrTable 
(, and filter by bgp4PathAttrPeer 

If you want the Nokia-specific extensions, use 
tBgp4PathAttrTable (

For reference, check out TIMETRA-BGP-MIB and BGP4-MIB. 

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