New name for this list???

Nick England nick at CS.UNC.EDU
Mon Apr 7 13:44:15 EDT 1997

Well, I'm one of the 5 guys who were on the first "boatanchors" list
when it was originally formed. Back then it was
boatanchors at acidqueen.Eng.Sun.COM because that's where Jim KM6NK worked.
Then it became boatanchors at when Jim left Sun,
and then it became boatanchors at when Jack stepped up and
saved it from dying.

One point from all this is that boatanchors at xyz is only different
from boatanchors at abc at one particular point in time. Maybe Dave will
leave Tempe some day, too ?? So I think folks who find the existence
of a second list with the same name confusing have a legitimate

I was one of the supporters of naming
during the naming discussions there - that is a case where a clear
distinction between a newsgroup and an e-mail list exists.
(p.s. I maintain the r.r.a.b FAQ site at

But I'd urge Dave to re-name this list to something not identical
to the existing list name. Not only would it clear up confusion, it'd
also help put to rest unwarranted griping about Dave's motives.

73 & Have Fun,
Nick England  KD4CPL  nick at   Univ. Of North Carolina             Chapel Hill NC

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