HomeBrew Reflector (no free beer)

Brian K. Short ke7gh at PRIMENET.COM
Tue Apr 8 12:02:28 EDT 1997

HomeBrew is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to amateur radio
and electronics experimentation and construction:

   * building kits
   * scratch construction
   * radios, antennas, widgets
   * design
   * accessories
   * station construction
   * digital, analog, uP
   * repair, modification, surplus

To be added to the mailing list, send email as follows:
TO:        majordomo at qsl.net
BODY:      subscribe homebrew

To be deleted from the mailing list, send email as follows:
TO:        mojordomo at qsl.net
BODY:      unsubscribe homebrew

To post items to the reflector, send email as follows:
TO:        homebrew at qsl.net

If you have questions or need assistance contact: k7on at qsl.net

More information about the Boatanchors mailing list