Flushing...Did it happen to you?

aa7tq aa7tq at PRIMENET.COM
Wed Apr 9 07:11:35 EDT 1997

Hi gang...

I hope you've all checked out the archives at http://www.tempe.gov/archives
 It's working well.

We had to do a re-boot of the Firewall yesterday (Tuesday 4-8-97) and
although I got a large number of errors flushed at me, I didn't see the dup
messages posted to the list as I have in the past.

I need anyone who got a flush of messages to please e-mail me at
aa7tq at primenet.com and tell me what list (Collins) and how far back you got
them from if you can tell.  This will help me in solving the
problem...unless of course it's fixed and it looks like it might be.


Also, I've noticed that there is a lot of chatter about selling BAs on
lists.  You are all welcome to talk about any aspect of BAs including the
buying and selling of them all you want to.  I'll only have a problem if a
dealer starts using the list to make a living....(even though I know many
of you have enough gear to start a dealership!! <grin>)  Enjoy life...we
aren't here long enough to do otherwise!

73 to all and have a great day


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