Roy Morgan morgan at SPECKLE.NCSL.NIST.GOV
Mon Aug 25 09:52:20 EDT 1997

At 01:34 PM 8/24/97 -0700, you wrote:

  ... all i need is to gather the rest of what i need to put a real (low
>power) BC station on the air...(no license required if below 100 watts
>according to new ruling by FCC..just need to find out in what band(s) or
>segments of..

Hmmmm don't you mean 100 MILLIwatts!!!

Please post details of this "new ruling"!

-- Roy Morgan/Building 820, Room 517/Gaithersburg  MD 20899
(National Institute of Standards and Technology)
301-975-3254 Fax: 301-948-6213  morgan at speckle.ncsl.nist.gov --

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