List co-admin needed

Kelley, Dave Dave_Kelley at TEMPE.GOV
Thu Dec 4 09:53:20 EST 1997


All of the lists hosted by the City of Tempe are growing at alarming
rates.  Many are government based of course.  That's okay though...we
bought unlimited capability and things are running smooth.

Some of you who are charter subscribers to the ham lists may remember
they were originally our test bed to learn how it all works....and as
payment for the 'oops's and other problems you put up with you have
inherited a list of your own for as long as it's needed.


Maintaining these lists is becoming a pretty big job for just one
person.  So, it's time to ask for some help here.  The pay is lousy ($0)
but the job is pretty easy if kept up on...just a minute of two a day.

It's best to have someone who has been doing e-mail for a while and at
least 'kinda' knows how it works.  That person would then get any error
messages passed on to them from the list they manage and with that they
also would have the ability to delete the bad user IDs that crop up.
See, not bad at all.  For me it's the 10 lists with a total of 3,000+
users that make the job hard.  And the ham lists are 95% of the problem.

So if you have the time, think you'd like to help out, please e-mail me
at webmaster at and we'll see what we can do to put you to work
keeping the lists clean and flowing smoothly.  If each person has one
list it will really make it easy.

Thanks to all of you, enjoy the holidays, and hope to see you on the

73 from AI7R

Dave Kelley
City of Tempe

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