T-784 canoe-anchor xmtr (fwd)

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Fri Dec 12 21:05:31 EST 1997

Received the latest Fair catalog and have fallen for the T-784
transmitter ("3 to 22 MHz CW in bands 3-6, 6-10, 10-17, and
17-22 MHz at 10-15W...tubes 2E26, 6AC7... $24.95"). I *must*
have one.

Does anyone have experience with this xmtr? Are those tubes still
readily available? Is the rated power input power? (Fair sells
transistorized xmtrs too - not sure if they use in- or outpower
power ratings). What era was this xmtr in use?

I'm actually thinking of buying the RT-3 transmitter; besides the
lack of code-burst capability, are there any other differences bet-
ween the T-784 and the RT-3? Why such diverse model numbers?

Enjoy the weekend!
Jeff KH2PZ / KH6

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