HELP: 51S-1 bamd wafer components
ian_webb at PACBELL.NET
Mon Dec 22 11:03:54 EST 1997
I am rebuilding a 51S-1. I last had one which I restored nearly 20
years ago. All seems to be progressing well EXCEPT I have 2 very "weak"
band segments (9-10 MHz and 20-21 MHz). I have determined that at least
one of the segments (9-10 MHz) has an OPEN inductor on one of the
wafers. On the other segment, shorting one wafer capacitor to its
neighbor imporves things and I suspect a bad capacitor but need further
Is there a possible source of replacement wafer parts that doesn't cost
an arm and a leg or am I going to have to attempt to rewind the coil?
Anybody with hints to keep me from "reinventing the wheel?"
Best Holiday Wishes!
Ian Webb, K6SDE
ian_webb at
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