Plead for homebrew components!!

Chris Galbraith chrisg at DUCKER.COM
Tue Dec 23 12:21:02 EST 1997

I'm gathering parts for that winter project I've dreamed of for
years--the big AM tx.  So far, I've got a mod trans., the HV stuff for
the mod., and some misc. lined up.  I'm looking for any of the following

Modulator tubes:  My tranny could use 211s (VT4C), 805s, 810s, 811As, or
other 250-400w Push-pull triode variety (100/250/304TH/TLs even??)

Audio driver tranny (like 5-8K to class B grids)

Sockets for above.

Stuff for the RF deck, like big caps--maybe oven vacuum variables, etc.

A 5000 to 7000VCT, 400mA or so plate tranny and choke (that is, to give
2500 to 3500v) for the RF deck.

Any homebrew parts for such a beast out there??

I've got loot and parts to trade!!  DX100 transformer set and parts,
misc. tubes, and whatnot from the 30s to the 90s.

Thanks everyone, and have a very wonderful holiday season.  73, Chris

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