SX101 comes back to life (long)
Parker, Al
Wed Dec 24 20:26:00 EST 1997
Two months ago, the month before Dick Dillman succumbed to the
same nice fate, I found a rough SX101MkIII at the Livermore Swap Meet.
Some of you answered my subsequent requests for assistance. I needed
a manual - but first, had to determine just what model it was. When I
saw it, I knew it was a 101, and that I had always thought they were a
"neat" looking piece of gear, matched by good performance. I didn't
need to know what model it was, I just knew I wanted it. With list
member help, I did determine it's pedigree, and learned about the
others in the series. Larry Rau came thru with a manual copy.
I did a minimal blowing out of the cobwebs, etc., fortunately
no evidence of mice, but some black, indelible. spotty blotches on the
horizontal surfaces inside. I had to hear it - and spent some,
probably not enough, time warming with a lightbulb, and bringing up
the voltage with the variac. WOW, it lives. Not super, with only a
short wire antenna, but seemed to have all functions. Needs the
alignment routine (I like that fun), but that would wait for the
Meantime, it was cleanup time. I'm not working too fast or
long at a time these days (probably the best way to work on BAs), and
have a lifting restriction (probably the worst way to work on BAs), so
it took 2 more weeks. That's also an enjoyable pursuit. Finally on a
Sun. PM, my long suffering XYL allowed, and helped carry it, into the
family room onto a TV tray while we watched the ballgames & I worked.
It had been warming at least since Sat. AM over the heater, and was
nice & warm. By supper, it was ready--I think I even used the variac
again. Yes, it still lived, pretty knobs, shiny switches, the big
slide rule dial all clean and all the individual dial lights working
(after switching the ones I got in wrong). Signals - it's always a
thrill when something that old and pretty wakes up.
Keep the power on all evening to try to bring it into thermal and
mechanical stability.
The next morning, still in the family room, I turned it on,
then stepped out for a few minutes. Yep, fuse was blown when I got
back. To shorten an already long story, the power transformer HV had
shorted turns. Guess I'll need an organ donor--back to the list, and
again, Larry Rau came to the rescue. He knew of a junker, which I was
able to drive to. Picked it up (with help), plus several more
Hallicrafters projects.
Again, 2 weeks passed (had to leave town 5 days). I checked
filter caps to be sure they didn't contribute to the problem, they're
OK. Finally last nite the transplant was complete, and it came to
life again. Been working all day today, hope it continues. HV
current draw is about 110 ma. I'll keep it powered up during the
days, and get to the alignment procedure tomorrow PM or Fri. Then, on
to the cabinet - it's not dinged, but needs a paint job to dress
up/set off her knobs. But of course, while the cabinet work goes on,
I'll be enjoying the bands with her.
A nice bonus to this -- my junker has helped several people
get their SX 101's working or looking better. It's great to get help
from the lists, but it's as nice to provide help to get these old
girls back in shape, yes, any of the old gear, even if it's not as
I hope every one enjoys their holidays, whatever kind you
celebrate. May the BA tooth fairy smile upon us all.
73, Al, W8UT al_parker at
Dublin, CA
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