Clough Bringle Transmitter

Ron kc4yoy at TRELLIS.NET
Sun Dec 28 22:57:02 EST 1997

Hello BA's

I'm new to the group, I've been collecting Antique Gear for over 27 years,
mostly 20's & 30's broadcast receivers. In the last 4 or 5 years I've
gotten more and more interested in early Amateur Equipment. I have started
putting together vintage amateur stations. My mid 30's station is almost
complete, It consists of a first generation HRO, and a Cluogh Bringle
transmitter. Has anyone out there heard of or have any information on a
transimtter made by Clough Bringle, the mod # is 4581. The drawing inside
the cover is dated 6-6-34. It uses 2  46's in the output, and has an
interesting switch in the uper lefthannd corner of the front panel marked
"Amateur      Offical". I know Clough Bringle made lots of test equipment
in the 30's & 40's, I've looked thur every issue of QST in the 30's, NO
transmitters by Clough Bringle. ????

Any info you have would be a great help.

My E-mail address is:  kc4yoy at

73, Ron KC4YOY

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