6L6 versions???

Dexter Francis cwest at XMISSION.COM
Tue Dec 30 10:58:20 EST 1997

The 1954 tube data book shows the 6L6 ratings for class
A1, AB1 and AB2.  For A1 the grid 2 input is listed at
2.5 Watts and the Plate dissipation at 19. (maximums -
single tube) for AB1 (push pull)

The maximum signal power output is listed as 26.5 W for
fixed bias and 24.5 W for Cathode bias. For class AB2
the maximum is 47 watts for a cathode bias configuration.

The ARRL handbook covers the different classifications
in the chapter on vacuum tube principles.  Class AB is
push pull, but with a higher level of bias. AB2 has a
grid current flow during part of the cycle when the
applied signal is large.

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