
Wed Dec 31 16:33:32 EST 1997

     I am finally getting into an HQ-180AX I got at the Louisville
Hamfest over a year ago... and it seems to be working as well as it
will be without an alignment.

     I noticed about five "original" Hammarlund tubes still in the thing
and (all but one) working - the OA2 I am replacing has the Hammarlund
markings on it - anyone out there collecting such items and want it
before I throw it out?   For postage...

     And whoever had the thing decided they did not want the skirts on
the main tuning knobs, so they ground them off...   Anyone with main
tuning and bandspread black Hammarlund knobs to spare, I could use
a couple.  Should be the same from any of the newer (newer?) Hammarlund
critters: HQ-100, HQ-110, HQ-170 (tuning and vernier tuning on that
one), or HQ-180.  Even one would help the process!

     Nowe to hit it with the De-Oxwhatever, fix the cabinet "feet" and
get in on for tonight's SKN - along with the ancient Viking II.., :)

     73,  Al  N5AIT
   modsteph at acs.eku.edu
     And get ready for "CX" - the Classic Radio Exchange contest - in
about a month!

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