?? about 6CD6GA Sweeper tubes

Brian Carling, Radio AF4K bry at MNSINC.COM
Sun Jun 15 02:49:40 EDT 1997

I have a question regarding 6CD6GA sweep tubes.
The ARRL Handbook listing for them doesn't really tell us much.
No MAXIMUM listings other than Plate Dissipation of 20 watts.
Can someone supply the data on maximum plate voltage & current

I would like to build a 4 tube parallel amplifier using these,
in G-G and wanted to know what is the highest reasonable plate
voltage & current to use. I want to get about 500 watts INPUT
in CW and SSB service.

I know it has been done with 6KD6 tubes per the 1969 HANDBOOK
PP 197-200

They run that at 900V DC and get 1200 watts p.e.p. input, so
if I run these at HALF that it should work. ( 667 mA anode current)
for a 600 watt DC input, which seems reasonable for ICAS service with
these. THey have dire warnings about not leaving it "key down" for
more than 30 seconds with over 100 mA flowing!

Perhaps I should use 6 of them?!

Now, they suggest the 6LQ6 as a substitute. Let's see...

Well, these both appear to have a slightly higher plate current rating
than my 6CD6es but not by much. Heater currents are about the same if
that is any indication.

Any thoughts..... I know "Don't use sweep tubes" (grin!)
*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
**  E-mail to:  bry at mnsinc.com                     *
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