*New Fox_Tango Reflector*
Sun Jun 15 20:21:49 EDT 1997
Fox_Tango is a mailing list (reflector) devoted entirely
to "vintage" and "classic" equipment manufactured by the
Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. of Tokyo Japan.
* equipment, accessories
* collecting, restoring, refurbishing
* buy, sell, trade, swap
* repairs, modifications, enhancements
* questions, discussions, etc
* just plain operating old Yaesu stuff
To be added to the mailing list, send email as follows:
TO: majordomo at qsl.net
BODY: subscribe fox_tango
To be deleted from the mailing list, send email as follows:
TO: majordomo at qsl.net
BODY: unsubscribe fox_tango
To post items to the reflector, send email as follows:
TO: fox_tango at qsl.net
If you have questions or need assistance contact: k7on at qsl.net
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