Welcome to the BA list!

Dave Kelley aa7tq at PRIMENET.COM
Sun Mar 23 11:16:12 EST 1997

Hi gang!

Well, I'm floored!  As of 23:00 zulu on 3-23, there are 56 people signed up on the Boatanchor list.

If you want to support this "free" list do so by spreading the word to those guys and gals you know who are interested in BAs.

A note about the new Boatanchors list I've started.  I hope it flies - only because I HATE seeing anyone make money from our hobby, except the dealers and manufacturers, many of whom we didn't support well enough to keep them going in the past.  (I just wish there were more US ones to support today)  Basically, I would rather spend that $20 on a new bobble instead of another subscription.

In the next week or so I hope to have a complete web page set up that will display the archives.  These are also available via e-mail request from the server and I'll give you all instructions once it's in place.

Enjoy and happy hamming!


(ex-WA7GPF and AA7TQ)

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