HV Cathode keying circuits

Brian Carling (Radio G3XLQ / AF4K) bry at MNSINC.COM
Tue May 20 13:47:03 EDT 1997

Having given up on relays to cathode key my BA rigs rom the
electronic keyer, I decided to have a go at a circuit describe din
73 Magazine for JAN 1988, by Mike Bryce, WB8VGE in the QRP column.
The schematic is on page 105, and shows something like this:
View with Courier New (12) Proportional Font
      10 K    |  + 5-12 V DC
  [-/\/\/\/\- |                                         ____________\
  |           |                                         |           /
  |         | / E                          2SC1308    C |    To xmtr
  |_________|/                               NPN        |    Cathode
  |   PNP   |                                        |  /
  |    B    |\       150 ohms                        | /
  |         | \____/\/\/\/\/-------/\/\/\/\/---------|
  \/            C              |             |    B  | \
Keyer O/P                   ___|___          /       |  \    E
                                             \           |
                   100 uF   -------          /  10K      |
                               |             \           |
                               |             /           |
                               |             \           |
                               |             |           |
                           ________       ________    _______
                           ////////       ////////    ///////

The PNP is listed as a 2N2905 or 2N3905.

All I had was a "6552A" Texas Instruments transzipper for the PNP
jobbie. It DOES seem to be switching but the TV Horizontal Output
transistor is ON all of the time.

I wonder if WB8VGE made some sort of mistake that was later
Perhpas that is supposed to be either 1 uF or 100 pF I dunno....

I run all of this on about 5.5V DC from an AC supply that I use on my
CMOS Logikeyer II. It seems like this is going to give me inverted
keyin anyway, as the voltage on the collector of Q1 is normally about
2V and then goes to about 1V when I key a "mark" from the keyer.
Of course, either condition sets Q2 to ON and keys the cathode!

Yes, this IS for tube/BA rigs guys!!

Any ideas? My guess is I have te remove the PNP (Q1) and rearrange
the biasing until it flies right.
I just hate to use guesswork.

Any takers?

Bry, AF4K

*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
**  E-mail to:  bry at mnsinc.com                     *
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