ATLAS and Hammarlund FS

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sat May 24 11:09:32 EDT 1997

1. Atlas 210X for sale..with docking station...Mike  and DC  corrd..
on a 10 scale an 7 or 8..$225.00  plus shipping from Dallas.

2. Hammarlund  HQ100 with clock...Needs TLC..Workks  but needs cleaning.
This is from a smokers estate..$50.00  plus shipping

3. Hammarlund HQ105TRC with mike and sack of Xtals..According to the
receiver guide it is semi Rare...A solid 8 has a little coorusion on the
trim  ring  otherwise  great...$175.00  plus shipping..

4.  Hammarlund 200 speaker with Grill cloth and logo a solid 9.5..Like
new  $125.00  plus shipping.

Please E Mail..The above is all from a silent key in Houston.  He must
have quit smoking after the HQ100 as that is the only smoked up item..
73's   Bob K1JNN/5

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