WTB: Clegg Labs equipment/ literature

Brian Carling (Radio G3XLQ / AF4K) bry at MNSINC.COM
Mon May 26 10:39:42 EDT 1997

Gary - tell us a little about the Venus. What modes does it do and
how much power? Is it a crystal rig  or does it include a VFO?

Just another curious 6m AM op!


On 26 May 97 at 11:19, Gary Franklin spoke about WTB:  Clegg Labs
equipment/ literat and said:

> I am a Clegg Labs collector and I am looking for the following:
> Clegg literature
> Clegg Interceptor manual
> Clegg Thor 6 voltage/reistance/ alignment charts & info
> Model 62T10  Transmitter
> Model  250-6C  Amplifier
> Model  209 Crystiplexer Transmitter
> Interceptor AllBander  HF Tuner/Speaker
> Clegg 66'er Transceiver
> Appollo 6-meter Linear
> Venus 6 meter transceiver
> Gary  K8BKB
> franklin at net-link.net
*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
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