Radio & tube list
van lincoln
Sun Nov 9 03:41:57 EST 1997
Thought this might be of interest to some..
>From: Rog42 at
>Subject: Radio & tube list
>Date: Sun, 9 Nov 97 08:05:17 +0000
>See attached file.
>Thank you for requesting my TUBE & RADIO LIST. Tubes are grouped in price
ranges from $2.25 and up. Prices shown are for NOS tubes. Quality used
tubes are also available at reduced prices. Additional related items and
publications follow the tube listings. Ordering and payment information is
at the end of the list. Quantities are limited - please confirm
availability before ordering. E-mail Rog42 at Revised 11-8-97 and
supercedes all previous lists.
>$2.25 Tubes:
>0B3, 0Z4, 1A3, 1A4P, 1A5, 1A7, 1AB5, 1AD2, 1AK5, 1AX2, 1B4, 1BG2, 1BH2,
1BK2, 1BQ2, 1BX2, 1BY2, 1D5, 1D8, 1DK27, 1DK29, 1F4, 1F6, 1H6, 1L4, 1LC5,
1LH4, 1Q5, 1R4, 1S2A/B, 1S4, 1S5, 1T5, 1V2, 1X2, 2AF4, 2BN4, 2C34, 2CN3,
2CY5, 2DZ4, 2EN5, 2ER5, 2FH5, 2X2, 3A2, 3A8, 3AF4, 3AL5, 3AU6, 3AV6, 3B4,
3B7, 3BA6, 3BC5, 3BE6, 3BM2, 3BN2, 3BN4, 3BU8, 3BY6, 3C6, 3CB6, 3CE5, 3CF6,
3CS6, 3CY5, 3DK6, 3DT6, 3EH7, 3ER5, 3GS8, 3MR24, 3MV7, 3S4, 4AV6, 4BC5,
4BC8, 4BL8, 4BN6, 4BQ7, 4BU8, 4BZ7, 4CE5, 4CS6, 4CY5, 4ES8, 4EW6, 4GM6,
4HK5, 4HS8, 5AN8, 5AS8, 5AT8, 5AV8, 5B8, 5BK7, 5BQ7, 5BT8, 5CM8, 5CQ8,
5DH8, 5EJ7, 5EU8, 5HB7, 5HG8, 5J6, 5JK6, 5JL6, 5MHH3, 5RDDH1, 5RHR1, 5T8,
5V6, 5X8, 6AB8, 6AG5, 6AL5, 6AM4, 6AN6, 6AQ6, 6AQ7, 6AS5, 6AT6, 6AV11,
6AX3, 6AY11, 6BA3, 6BD6, 6BF6, 6BF7, 6BJ3, 6BJ7, 6BK5, 6BL4, 6BR3, 6BW8,
6BX6, 6BY11, 6CR6, 6DA4, 6DB5, 6DE4, 6DE6, 6DG6, 6DM4, 6DT8, 6EH8, 6EJ7,
6ER5, 6ES5, 6ET7, 6EU8, 6FM8, 6FV6, 6FY5, 6GF5, 6GQ7, 6GY8, 6H6, 6HD7,
6HJ7, 6HJ8, 6HM6, 6HR5, 6HZ8, 6J4, 6JC8, 6JE8, 6KL8, 6KM8, 6KU8, 6LC8, 6S8,
6SA7, 6T4, 6T8, 6U7, 6U9, 6V3, 6V7, 6V8, 6W4, 6W6, 7A8, 7AU7, 7B4, 7E6,
7E7, 7EY6, 7L7, 7W7, 7X6, 7Y4, 7Z4, 8A8, 8AC9, 8AU8, 8BA8, 8BN8, 8CN7,
8CX8, 8ET7, 8JU8, 8LC8, 9A8, 9AK10, 9AU7, 9BR7, 9CL8, 9EA8, 9GV8, 9KC6,
9KZ8, 9LA6, 9U8, 10AL11, 10C8, 10DR7, 10EG7, 10EM7, 10KU8, 10LE8, 11JE8,
11R3, 12A6, 12A8, 12AC6, 12AD6, 12AE6, 12AF3, 12AH7, 12AJ6, 12AL8, 12AQ5,
12AT6, 12AV5, 12AW6, 12AX3, 12AX4, 12AY3, 12BA7, 12BD6, 12BF6, 12BK5,
12BL6, 12BQ6, 12BT3, 12C8, 12CA5, 12CN5, 12CR6, 12CU6, 12CX6, 12D4, 12DB5,
12DE8, 12DK7, 12DL8, 12DS7, 12DT5, 12DU7, 12DV7, 12DW4, 12DZ6, 12EA6,
12EC8, 12ED5, 12EG6, 12EK6, 12EL6, 12EM6, 12EN6, 12EZ6, 12F8, 12FK6, 12FM6,
12FX8, 12GB3, 12GC6, 12GT5, 12J7, 12J8, 12K8, 12KL8, 12L6, 12Q7, 12R5,
12S8, 12SC7, 12SX7, 12X4, 12Z3, 13DE7, 14A5, 14B8, 14C5, 14GT8, 14JG8,
14N7, 15HB6, 16BQ11, 16BX11, 17A8, 17AX3, 17AX4, 17C5, 17CU5, 17D4, 17DE4,
17DM4, 17EW8, 17H3, 17JK8, 17Z3, 18A5, 18AJ10, 18FW9, 18FX6, 18FY6, 19GQ7,
19HR6, 19HS6, 19J6, 19X8, 22BH3, 25BK5, 25CT3, 25DQ6, 25EH5, 25F5, 25W4,
32ET5, 34GD5, 34R3, 35B5, 35C5, 35EH5, 36AM3, 45Z3, 50B5, 50DC4, 50Y6, 991,
1007, 1291, 5726, 5727, 5962, 5964, 5965, 6663, ECL80
>$3 Tubes:
>0A2, 0D3, 0G3, 1A6, 1AD4, 1AF4, 1AG5, 1AH4, 1AJ5, 1B3, 1C5, 1C6, 1C7, 1D7,
1E5, 1E7, 1F5, 1G6, 1H5, 1J5, 1LC6, 1LD5, 1LG5, 1N6, 1Q6, 1T4, 1U5, 1V6,
2AV2, 2B7, 2BY7, 2C4, 2D21, 2FS5, 2FY5, 2GU5, 2HA5, 2HM5, 2HQ5, 2HT4, 3A5,
3AW2, 3AW3, 3BN6, 3BZ6, 3CA3, 3CN3, 3D6, 3DZ4, 3E6, 3EA5, 3EJ7, 3FH5, 3FS5,
3HA5, 3HK5, 3HM5, 3HS8, 3KT6, 3LF4, 3Q5, 4AU6, 4BE6, 4BS8, 4BZ6, 4DE6,
4DK6, 4DT6, 4EH7, 4GK5, 4GS8, 4GZ5, 4HA5, 4HA7, 4HC7, 4HM5, 4HQ5, 4HT6,
4KE8, 4LU6, 5AM8, 5AU4, 5AZ4, 5BE8, 5BR8, 5BW8, 5CG8, 5CL8, 5CZ5, 5EW6,
5FG7, 5FV8, 5GM6, 5GX6, 5GX7, 5HA7, 5HZ6, 5JW8, 5U8, 5U9, 5X4G, 6AB4, 6AC7,
6AF3, 6AH4, 6AH6, 6AJ5, 6AK5, 6AK6, 6AL7, 6AR11, 6AS6, 6AS8, 6AT8, 6AV6,
6AW8, 6AX4, 6AY3, 6B8, 6BC5, 6BC7, 6BD5, 6BE6, 6BF5, 6BH6, 6BJ6, 6BK6,
6BN4, 6BQ6, 6BQ7, 6BU8, 6BW4, 6BY5, 6BY8, 6BZ7, 6C5, 6C6, 6C8, 6CA5, 6CB6,
6CE5, 6CF6, 6CH8, 6CM7, 6CM8, 6CQ4, 6CS6, 6CU5, 6CU6, 6CU8, 6CY7, 6D8,
6DK6, 6DS5, 6DT5, 6DT6, 6DZ4, 6EB5, 6EH5, 6EH7, 6EZ5, 6EZ8, 6F8, 6FD7,
6FG5, 6FH5, 6FJ7, 6FS5, 6FW5, 6GC5, 6GH8, 6GU5, 6GV8, 6GX6, 6GX7, 6GY6,
6HG8, 6HK5, 6HU6, 6HZ6, 6J6, 6JG5, 6JK8, 6JN8, 6JQ6, 6JV8, 6JY8, 6KV8,
6KZ8, 6L7, 6LB8, 6LU6, 6LX8, 6LY8, 6MB8, 6Q7, 6R7, 6RP22, 6S4, 6S7, 6SB7,
6SF5, 6SH7, 6SQ7, 6SR7, 6SV7, 6U6, 6Y6, 6Y9, 7A5, 7A6, 7A7, 7AD7, 7B5, 7B6,
7B8, 7C4, 7C7, 7E5, 7G8, 7HG8, 7J7, 7Q7, 7R7, 7S7, 7V7, 7X7, 8CG7, 8CM7,
8CS7, 8CW5, 8EB8, 8EM5, 8FQ7, 8GJ7, 8GN8, 8GU7, 8KA8, 8SN7, 9AQ8, 9JW8,
9RAL1, 10CW5, 10DX8, 10EW7, 10GV8, 10HF8, 10JA8, 11CY7, 11LT8, 11Y9, 12A5,
12AB5, 12AE7, 12AF6, 12AL5, 12AS5, 12AU6, 12AV6, 12B4, 12BA6, 12BE3, 12BR3,
12BS3, 12BW4, 12C5, 12CL3, 12CU5, 12DV8, 12FX5, 12H6, 12HE7, 12J5, 12JN6,
12K5, 12K7, 12RK19, 12SA7, 12SF5, 12SJ7, 12SL7, 12SN7, 12SR7, 12SW7, 12V6,
12W6, 13FD7, 13FM7, 13GB5, 13V10, 14A4, 14A7, 14E7, 14F7, 14H7, 14J7, 14Q7,
14R7, 14S7, 14W7, 14X7, 15AF11, 15EW7, 15FM7, 15FY7, 15LE8, 16AQ3, 16GY5,
17AY3, 17BE3, 17BQ6, 17BS3, 17BZ3, 17CK3, 17CL3, 17DW4, 17GE5, 19AU4,
19CL8, 19EA8, 19EZ8, 19JN8, 19V8, 20AQ3, 20EZ7, 21JV6, 24BF11, 25A6, 25AC5,
25AX4, 25BQ6, 25C6, 25CA5, 25CK3, 25CU6, 25DK3, 25DN6, 25Z5, 25Z6, 26FZ6,
34, 34CE3, 35DZ8, 35GL6, 35W4, 35Y4, 35Z3, 35Z4, 38, 39/44, 40A1, 45B5,
45Z5, 50A5, 50C5, 50C6, 50HK6, 50JY6, 50X6, 50Y7, 60FX5, 72, 77, 79, 85,
408A, 1280, 1626, 5651, 5654, 5687, 5696, 5725, 5749, 5814, 5915, 6099,
6136, 6202, 6211, 6463, 6661, 6662, 6664, 7054, 7055, 7061, 7167, 7543,
7717, 8077, 9006, PY81
>$4 Tubes:
>0A3, 0B2, 0C3, 0Y4, 1AE4, 1B5, 1BC2, 1G5, 1H4, 1LA4, 1LE3, 1LN5, 1N5, 1P5,
1SB6, 1U4, 1V, 2A4, 2A6, 2AH2, 2AS2, 2BU2, 2C51, 2CW4, 2FQ5, 2GK5, 3A3,
3A4, 3AT2, 3B2, 3BL2A, 3BW2, 3DA3, 3DB3, 3DH3, 3DJ3, 3GK5, 3Q4, 4CB6, 4GJ7,
4GS7, 4GX7, 4HM6, 4JH6, 4KT6, 4MK8, 5AQ5, 5BC3, 5EA8, 5GH8, 5GJ7, 5HC7,
5KD8, 5KZ8, 5W4, 5X3, 5Y3, 5Y4, 6AB7, 6AF4, 6AK4, 6AK10, 6AN4, 6AN5, 6AQ5,
6AR8, 6AS11, 6AU6, 6AU8, 6AX5, 6AX8, 6BA6, 6BA8, 6BC8, 6BD11, 6BH8, 6BH11,
6BJ8, 6BK7, 6BL8, 6BN6, 6BR8, 6BS3, 6BS8, 6BY6, 6BZ6, 6BZ8, 6C4, 6C7, 6CG8,
6CJ5, 6CL8, 6CM3, 6CN7, 6CQ8, 6CS7, 6CV7, 6CW5, 6CX8, 6D6, 6DC8, 6DE7,
6DK3, 6DL3, 6DN3, 6DR7, 6DW4, 6DW5, 6DX8, 6EA8, 6EV7, 6EY6, 6F5, 6F7, 6FA7,
6FG7, 6FM7, 6FV8, 6FW8, 6G11, 6GJ7, 6GM8, 6GS7, 6GV7, 6GZ5, 6HA5, 6HB7,
6HF8, 6HG5, 6HM5, 6HQ5, 6J5, 6J7, 6JD6, 6JH6, 6JN6, 6JT8, 6JU8, 6JX8, 6K6,
6K7, 6K8, 6KA8, 6KD8, 6KR8, 6KS6, 6LN8, 6LQ8, 6LT8, 6M-P20, 6ME8, 6MG8,
6MJ8, 6MK8, 6SD7, 6SF7, 6SG7, 6SJ7, 6SK7, 6SS7, 6T7, 6TF4, 6U8, 6V4, 6X4,
6X5, 6X8, 6X9, 7AG7, 7AH7, 7G7, 7GS7, 7H7, 8AC10, 8AV11, 8B10, 8BM11,
8BN11, 8BQ5, 8JV8, 8KR8, 8LT8, 9-7, 9BJ11, 9GH8, 10DE7, 10GN8, 10JY8,
10LZ8, 11AR11, 11BQ11, 12AL11, 12AV7, 12AZ7, 12BE6, 12BZ7, 12CT3, 12DQ7,
12F5, 12JT6, 12SF7, 12SG7, 12SK7, 12U7, 13DR7, 13JZ8, 14B6, 14F8, 14JZ8,
15CW5, 15DQ8, 15EW6, 15KY8, 15MX8, 16GK6, 17AV5, 17BH3, 17CT3, 17GK6,
17GT5, 17GV5, 17HB25, 18GB5, 19CG3, 19DE3, 19DK3, 21GY5, 24JZ8, 25EC6,
CE29R, 31AL10, 32HQ7, 32L7, 33JV6, 35/51, 35A5, 35L6, 35Z5, PL36, L40CT,
50EH5, 55, 56, 57, 70L7, 78, 100-77, 117P7, 117Z3, 313C, 427A, CV491, 955,
E1148, 1203A, 1625, 1633, 5602, 5625, 5963, 6005, 6021, 6669, 6887, 6919,
7059, 7060, 7695
>$5 Tubes:
>0C2, 1DG3, 1LA6, 1LB4, 1R5, 1Z2, 2A7, 2E24, 2E26, 3BS2, 3CX3, 3CZ3, 3DF3,
3DG4, 3HQ5, 3JC6, 3V4, 4EJ7, 4JC6, 4JD6, 4LJ8, 4MP12, 5DJ4, 5GS7, 5KE8,
5LJ8, 5MB8, 5T4, 5V3, 5Z3, 5Z4, 6A4, 6A6, 6A8, 6AC10, 6AD4, 6AD7, 6AF11,
6AF9, 6AG7, 6AH7, 6AH9, 6AJ4, 6AJ8, 6AK8, 6AL3, 6AL11, 6AM8, 6AN8, 6AU4,
6AU5, 6AU7, 6AV5, 6B6G, 6B7, 6B10, 6BA11, 6BC4, 6BE3, 6BF11, 6BM8, 6BV8,
6BV11, 6BW3, 6BW11, 6BZ3, 6CB5, 6CD6, 6CE3, 6CG3, 6CH3, 6CJ3, 6CK3, 6CK4,
6CL3, 6CL6, 6CM6, 6CY5, 6CZ5, 6D4, 6D10, 6DA5, 6DC6, 6DL4, 6DL5, 6DN6,
6DN7, 6DV4, 6E6, 6EA7, 6EB8, 6EH4, 6EM5, 6EM7, 6ES8, 6EV5, 6EW6, 6EW7,
6FG6, 6FQ5, 6FY7, 6G6, 6GB5, 6GF7, 6GK5, 6GL7, 6GM6, 6GN8, 6GU7, 6GV5,
6GW6, 6GW8, 6GY5, 6HA6, 6HB6, 6HE5, 6HL8, 6HR6, 6HS8, 6JB5, 6JC5, 6JC6,
6JH8, 6JM6, 6JW8, 6JZ6, 6JZ8, 6K5, 6KE8, 6KT6, 6KT8, 6LE8, 6LJ8, 6LM8,
6LR8, 6LU8, 6MD8, 6MN8, 6MQ8, 6MV8, 6N7, 6SC7, 6SU7, 6T10, 6U10, 6Y5, 7A4,
7KY6, 8AL9, 8B8, 8BA11, 8BH8, 8BQ11, 8CB11, 9AM10, 9KX6, 10GK6, 10JA5,
10JT8, 10KR8, 10LW8, 10LY8, 10T10, 10Z10, 11BM8, 11DS5, 11HM7, 11KV8,
11LQ8, 11MS8, 12A7, 12AC10, 12AE10, 12AU7, 12BR7, 12BV11, 12DT8, 12FQ7,
12GE5, 12GN7, 12HG7, 12HL7, 12MD8, 12SH7, 12SQ7, 12SY7, 13EM7, 14AF7,
14BL11, 14BR11, 15BD11, 17AB10, 17BF11, 17BR3, 17BW3, 17C9, 17DQ6, 17GJ5,
17GW6, 17JG6A, 17JN6, 17JT6, 17X10, 18GV8, 19, 19BG6, 19DQ3, 19HV8, 19T8,
21JZ6, 21KQ6, 21LG6, 22BW3, 22DE4, 22JG6, 22JR6, 22KV6, 23Z9, 25A7, 25AV5,
25C5, 25CD6, 25CG3, 25HX5, 25L6, 27, 27GB5, 28D7, 30AE3, 31, 32, 33, 33GT7,
33JR6, 35Z6, 36, 37, 42EC4, 43, 50L6, 53HK7, 58, 84, 89, 117L7, 117Z6,
396A, 407A, 885, 921, 954, 957, 1011, 1629, 5670, 5676, 5718, 5844, 5902,
6186, 6189, 6216, 6397, 6677, 6678, 6792, 7056, 7058, 7193, 9001, 9002,
9003, 9004, EABC80, ECH81, EF40, EM84, NL1220, XXD, XXL
>$6.75 Tubes:
>1AY2, 1J6, 2AP1A, 2DV4, 2EG4, 3CU3, 3DC3, 5R4, 6AD10, 6AG9, 6AQ8, 6AR5,
6AR6, 6AS7, 6AZ8, 6BA7, 6BG6, 6BL7, 6BN8, 6BN11, 6BX7, 6DA6, 6DJ8, 6DQ6,
6DU3, 6EA5, 6EC4, 6EJ4, 6F4, 6F6, 6GE5, 6GJ5, 6GK6, 6HS5, 6HS6, 6HV5, 6J8,
6J10, 6JD5, 6JF6, 6JH5, 6JK5, 6JU6, 6K11, 6KM6, 6KN6, 6KY8, 6LF8, 6LJ6,
6M11, 6ML8, 6MU8, 6Q11, 6SL7, 6SN7, 6Y10, 6Z10, 7B7, 7C5, 7C6, 7F7, 7F8,
7K7, 7N7, 8AR11, 8AW8, 8BU11, 9AH9, 9MN8, 10GF7, 10LD6, 11AF9, 11BT11,
11CA11, 11CH11, 11FY7, 12AT7, 12AY7, 12BF11, 12FQ8, 12GB7, 12JQ6, 12T10,
13GF7, 13J10, 13Z10, 15MF8, 16A8, 16AK9, 16LU8, 17JB6, 17JF6, 17JM6, 17JQ6,
17JZ8, 17KV6, 17Y9, 21KA6, 21LR8, 21LU8, 22, 22JF6, 22JU6, 22KM6, 25JZ8,
26A7, 26Z5, 30, 30A5, 31LQ6, 31LR8, 34DK3, 38HE7, 38HK7, 41, 42KN6, 50GY7A,
50HN5, 53, 83V, 84M, 87S, DC90, 227, 235, Y251, 327, 358A, 832A, 874,
TS876C, 884, 956, 1613, 1654, 2051, 5642, 5686, 5755, 5879, 5896, 5899,
6062, 6080, 6112, 6134, 6201, 6360A, 6679, 6688, 6888, 6922, 7044, 7062,
7551, 7558, ECC88
>$9.50 Tubes:
>1G4, 2E5, 3DR3, 3DS3, 5V4, 6A7, 6AC5, 6BQ5, 6C9, 6C10, 6CA4, 6CG7, 6CK6,
6CW4, 6DQ3, 6DQ5, 6DS4, 6DT3, 6EL4, 6EN4, 6FH8, 6FQ7, 6JK6, 6JL6, 6MA6,
6MF8, 6P5, 6V6, 7AF7, 11LY6, 12AX7A, 12BV7, 12BY7, 12BZ6, 12DQ6B, 12GW6,
21HB5, 24A, 29LE6, 30JZ6, 31JS6, 33GY7, 49, 58HE7, 59, 76, 200A, 224, 232,
239, 324, 336, 338, 359A, 427, 502A, 1005, 5591, 5702, 5744, 5751, 5763,
5787, 5829, 6098, 6247, 6354, 6414, 7895, 7984, 8032, 8042, 8106, 8552,
8560, 8643, ECC83, ORP90
>$12 TUBES:
>1P40, 5AS4, 6AF6, 6HB5, 6HF5, 21HJ5, 21JS6, 23JS6, 24JE6C, 26, 29KQ6,
31LZ6, 36LW6, 40KG6, 75, 81, 807, 829B, 1624, 5693, 5824, B-5971, 6072,
6681, 7025, 7905,
>$15 TUBES:
>2A5, 5U4, 6BK4C, 6E5, 6EU7, 6GT5, 6JA5, 6KG6, 6L6, 12BH7, 12JF5, 13CW4,
15, 26HU5, 26LW6, 26LX6, 35LR6, 42, 46, 47, 80, 122, 127, 222, 301A, 322,
332, 333, 422, 483, 484, 551, 717, 866A, 923, 927, 2050, 6883, 7189, 8156
>$20 TUBES:
>1B40, 2C46, 6GM5, 6JB6, 6LB6, 83, 182B, 36KD6, 36MC6, 40KD6, 337, 816,
5823, 6146B
>$25 TUBES:
>1D21, 3B28, 6A5G, 6AE7, 6CA7, 6JT6, 6N6, 12A, 30KD6, 112A, Z-729, 6084,
6939, 6973, 7199, 8298, EF86
>$30 TUBES:
>1L6, 3C23, 6A3, 6B4, 6HU8, 6JG6, 6LR6, 6LX6, 6U5, 71A, 811A, 8058, ELL80
>$35 TUBES:
>2C53, 6JE6, 6JS6, 6KD6, 6KV6, 6LF6, 6LQ6, 5691, 6227
>$45 TUBES:
>2A3, 5AR4, 5692, 5886, 5894, 6907, 8417
>$50 TUBES:
>6MJ6, 872A
>$70 TUBES:
>4CX250B, 4X250B, 45, 245
>$100 TUBES:
>6AQ5's - 36 tubes in this lot, all thoroughly tested and packed in a
single carton. - $50 for the lot.
>6AU6's - This lot of 6AU6's includes 70 tubes. Every tube has been
tested. $50 for this lot.
>6CG7 / 6FQ7's. - 67 tubes in this lot - all tested and carefully packed in
a single box. $75 for the lot.
>6FQ7 / 6CG7's - 34 tubes with clear tops and the getter on the side of the
tube. $60 for the lot.
>6K7 - A 20 tube mix of G, GT and metal styles - $20 for the lot.
>7A7 - 36 tubes in all, many appear and test as new - $35 for this lot.
>7C5 - A mix of brands and some look new - 20 tubes in this lot for $35.
>7Y4 - A great mix of these locktals - all 20 have been tested - $15 for
this lot.
>12AU7's - A box of 19 very good condition used tubes. $25 for the lot.
>12AV6's - A nice assortment of 15 used 12AV6's. Tested and cleaned, just
$15 for the lot.
>12AX7's - 30 very nice tested tubes in this box. $75 for the lot.
>12BE6's - 25 good tubes in all for just $25.
>12BH7's - All tested and ready to use. 12 tubes in this lot. A very good
value here for only $35.
>12BY7's (12BV7, 12DQ7) - An assortment of 26 tested tubes. This lot $45.
>TUBE ADAPTERS - Replace 7V7 or 7C5 loktals with 12BY7 using this special
adapter socket - $5 each.
>TUBE BOXES - Very good used condition, a great value to help you organize
your misc. tube stocks - Miniature size - 6 cents ea. , GT size - 8 cents ea.
>Amperite - 6NO60T, 6NO120T, 12NO3, 12NO180, 115NO2T, 115NO120T - $4 each.
>Raytheon C-491441 - $5 each
>Edison #501 - New in original cartons - $15 each.
>ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS: - Over 350 different NOS Twist-Lock and
Axial-lead electrolytics. Individually priced and pre-tested. E-mail for
>FUSES: 3AG, AGC, Slo-Blo, MDL plus automotive styles from 1/16th to 30 amp
- 20 cents ea.
>FUSE HOLDERS: Post, terminal, and clip styles - 35 cents ea.
>PILOT LAMPS: 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 81, 112, 130, 239, 327, 416,
428, 1490, 1829, NE67, GE-B1A, NE68, generic wire lead neons, also assorted
flashlight lamps - your choice - 25 cents ea.
>Schematics available for many radios and early TV's. Copies made for just
$1 per set plus $2 for mailing costs. Additional items include coils,
crystals, transistors, tube sockets, tube shields, lamp sockets, grill
cloth, much more - send needs.
>Knight-Kit Tube Tester - Model 600B - Excellent general purpose tester,
very clean, extras - $95
>Mercury Tube Tester - 1962 - Model 101 - A compact and very nice tester
with manual - $40
>Precision Model 912 Tube tester - Good working condition - with users
manual and roll chart - $70
>Seco - Model 107 - Dynamic Mutual Conductance tester - works good, well
used but not abused - $75
>Weston Tube Tester - Model 978 - 1950 - Govt. model, excellent & complete
with manual - $150
>Air Admiral Deluxe Speaker - Extremely nice wood cabinet, clean and it
works good - $50
>Airline Model WG601 Table Radio - Wooden cabinet, restorable, not working,
complete - $25
>Archer SWR Bridge and Strength Meter - For CBers or Hams, new in original
box - $15
>Baldwin 99 Speaker - 1940's? - Round metal cabinet - very nice working
condition - $55
>Bendix - Skipper 120 - Marine transceiver - 8 crystal controlled
transceiver channels plus full AM band receiver tuning - very nice shape
and quite unique - $75
>Browning Labs 5" Oscillocscope #ON-5 - Complete, laboratory quality scope,
not working - $50
>DeVry 5" Oscilloscope - 1965 - Mint condition and works very good - $80
>Eico Oscilloscope Model 460 - 5" scope, complete, minor damage, not
working - $30
>Eveready Battery Tester - For testing flashlight and small batteries to 90
volts - $15
>GE Model 250 - 1946 ac/dc portable, unique metal case, clean & complete
with schematic - $45
>Grebe Synchrophase - MU-1 - 1925 battery radio. This unit is intact and
all dials, escutcheons and knobs are in great shape. Inside the cabinet is
very clean and complete. Original instructional papers are intact inside
and on the bottom. The cabinet in good condition, it is complete but does
need to be refinished. No speaker. It would not take much to make this a
real museum piece - $325
>Hallicrafters CB-9 - Six channel CB - some crystals, complete and clean -
$55 ea.
>Hallicrafters S-40A - Repainted SW receiver, complete and very clean
condition - $65
>Hallicrafters S-40B - SW receiver, nice condition, with manual, untested -
>Hallicrafters S-53A - 1948 - nice, complete and in working condition - $95
>Hallicrafters S-120 - Early 60's four tube, four band reciever - Very nice
shape and works well - no telescoping antenna - $55
>Hallicrafters SX-111 - Made between 1959 and 1962 this Mark 1 version is
very very clean and complete. Even most of the tubes are original
Hallicrafters ! Plays great & comes with a copy of the manual - $200
>Hallicrafters S-106 - Great shape, nice AM receiver - $65
>Hallicrafters S-108 - Five band SW receiver, very clean, complete - $125
>Hammarlund - HQ-110 - Twelve tube, six band receiver, clean, with manual -
>Hammarlund - HQ-120 - Works OK on AM band - very clean, complete /
original manual - $155
>Heathkit MT-1-1958-5 band transmitter with manual, nice shape, no mic or
power supply - $75
>Hudson - 1949 Car Radio - Complete and in very good physical condition - $175
>Konel KR-72CA - 1.6 to 5.0 mhz. - 12 v. Marine transceiver extra crystals,
manual - $55
>Lafayette HA-63A Communications Receiver - With speaker and manual, very
nice, works good - $105
>Lafayette HE-80 Receiver - Very clean multi band radio, complete, not
working - $120
>Philco Model 16 - Chassis only - A complete chassis (no speaker or
cabinet) in very good shape from this 1933 eleven tube, five band radio.
All tubes light up and there are no signs of problems. The model 16 can be
seen in "A Flick of the Switch" radio book. - $50
>Philco Radio Model 38-314 - Wooden table radio, complete, untested - $55
>Philco Radio Model 42-321 - Wood cabinet table radio, complete, clean - $45
>Philco Radio Model 49-605 - Simulated alligator case, good working AM
portable, nice shape - $60
>Raytheon Marine Radio - Model GM-114B - Complete, 3 band with rotating
antenna, no audio - $35
>RCA Radio #56X5 - Table radio in nice condition, complete - $45
>RCA Radiola 100A Speaker - A match to RCA Radiola 100 radio, clean, works
- $65
>Realistic Pre-Amplified Microphone - Hand held, new in box - $15
>RME - DB-20 - 1942 Preselector - .54 to 32 Megacycles in six bands-
complete - $65
>Sentinel Portable Radio - Complete, AC powerpack, good condition, model ?
- $45
>Silvertone 1936 Cathedral Radio - Model 1706 - Cabinet is poor but the
chassis good - $55
>Silvertone Battery Radio - Chassis 100.189, wood cabinet, very restorable
- $75
>Solar Capacitor Checker model CE - Very nice older piece, clean and
complete - $55
>Stromberg Carlson - Model ?, Chassis 31985 - Table radio, works, small.
wood piece missing - $35
>Sylvania Tube Caddy - Black / yellow lettering - Very nice piece for that
Sylvania collection - $50
>Webster 550 Bandspanner - Mobile CB radio - good condition with microphone
- $45
>Westinghouse Model H Radio - Table radio, white painted bakelite case - $20
>Westinghouse Radio #H-165 - 1948 - portable, complete and in good
condition - $60
>Zenith Frequency Meter BC-221T -Military, metal case, with book, covers
125-20,000 Khz.- $60
>Zenith Model L505 - Ac/dc portable, green plastic case, clean and complete
- $50
>The following selection of books and publications relate mainly to radio
and miscellaneous electronic subjects. I try to offer only those in good
condition and of the most interest to radio and TV enthusiasts.
>Active-Filter Cookbook - 1975 - Theory, principles and applications of
active filters - 240p. - $10
>Aerovox Servicemen's Catalog - 1965 - 32p. - Lists Aerovox capacitor
products - $4
>Air Force Radio Operator - 1947 - Once restricted manual covers Air Force
radio procedures - 98p. - $15
>Airline Custom Auto Radio for 1951 Chevy - 8p.- Installation and operating
manual - $5
>All About CB Radio - 116p. pocket guide to CB rules, equipment, etc. -
1976 - $4
>All About High Fidelity & Stereo - 1969 - An Allied publication with lots
of fundamental info about hi-fi equipment - 96p. - $5
>All About Television - 1952 - A great and in-depth booklet by Popular
Mechanics on selecting and servicing a TV set. 169p. - $7
>Allied Dictionary of Electronic Terms - 1961 - 83p. - Terms with many
illustrations - $4
>Allied Dictionary of Electronic Terms - 1968 - 112p. - Terms &
illustrations - $4
>Allied Electronics Catalogs - 67, 70, 72 - Very collectable & in excellent
shape - $15ea.
>Allied Electronics Data Handbook - 1961 - 64p. - Electronic formulas and
other data - $4
>Allied Electronics Data Handbook - 1962 - 80p. - Electronic formulas and
other data - $4
>Allied Electronics Data Handbook - 1968 - 112p. - Electronic formulas and
data - $6
>Allied Electronics - '76 Engineering Manual & Purchasing Guide complete
info - $15
>Allied Encyclopedia of Electronics Components - 1968 - 111p. Illustrated - $5
>Allied Radio 1956 High Fidelity Catalog - 98 pages of strictly Hi-Fi
related products - $10
>Allied's - Getting Started in Electronics - 1969 - 112 p. - Very good
basic introductory info - $5
>Allied's Radio Builders Handbook - 1944 - 32p. - Basics plus great circuit
plans - $10
>Allied's Radio Data Handbook - 1945 - 48p. - Formulas, logs, tables,
charts and more - $10
>Allied's "Special Bargain" Catalog - 1955 - 32 pages of specially price
electronic gear - $5
>Allied's 1958 Winter Supplement - 72 pages and hundreds of items, great
period piece - $8
>Allied - Using Your Tape Recorder - 1968 - 96 pages of How-To information
- $3
>Alternating Current Circuit Analysis - 1969 - 150p. - Great circuit theory
and concepts - $10
>Amateur Radio Equipment Fundamentals - 1982 - Covers all phases of
communications equipment from receivers and transmitters to slo-scan TV
and radioteletype - Fairly technical presentation - 284p. - $10
>American Broadcasting - 1975 - A very large and in-depth source book on
the history of radio and TV broadcasting in America - 723p. - $25
>Amateur Radio Theory Course - 1970 - 255p. - Very complete radio info plus
tests - $10
>Application of Radio and Television Principles - 1950 - A Coyne School
book that covers a wide range of topics - Illustrated - Near mint shape -
299p. - $15
>Archer Transistor Substitution Guide - 1972 - 15,000 transistor
substitutions - 96p. - $5
>Army Technical Manual - 1959 - Theory and Application of Transistors -
263p. - $10
>ARRL Radio Amateur's Handbooks - 1949 - $25 - 1972, 74, 75, 76, 77 - $15
>Astatic Cartridges Catalog and Cross Reference - 1964 - 23p. Also covers
phono needles - $3
>Astatic Needles Catalog - 1975 - 94p. - Huge cross reference database - $7
>Astatic Pickup Cartridge Cross Reference - 1958 - 8p. - Astatic
replacements. - $2
>Audio Technology Systems - 1978 - Principles, applications and
troubleshooting. A nice clothbound book on stereos and late '70's audio -
282p. - $12
>Automatic Record Changers and Recorders - 1941 - A rare Rider's manual, an
excellent resource - $65
>Automatic Record Changer Service Manual - 1947 - A Sam's book, 41 models
and more - 350p.? - $45
>Avanti - CB Antenna Catalog - 1976 product line catalog with photos - $4
>Basic Electricity - 1960 - 200p.? - Vol. #3 of 4 volume set - in depth
coverage - $4
>Basic Electronics - 1973 - Dept. of Navy training book. Very well done
large paperback - 566p. - $12
>Basic Electronics Theory - 1994 - Very large technical manual on
electronics. Self tests, projects and experiments- volumes of information
- 692p. - $15
>Basic Theory and Application of Electron Tubes - 1952 - 215p. - Army / Air
Force manual - $10
>Beginner's Guide To TV Repair - 1985 - 264p. - Well done book with great
troubleshooting info - $10
>Belden Wire / Cable Reference - 1981 - 68p. - Cable styles, terminology,
abbreviations - $2
>Bendix Auto Radio Manual - Covers Ford Auto Radio products 1949-1958,
incl. Edsel - $35
>Big Dummy's Guide to CB Radio - 1977 - Well illustrated manual covering
the ordinary and the technical aspects of CB radio. - 128p. - $7
>Building Stereo Speakers - 1983 - An excellent source of information if
you are building speakers. Extensively illustrated and in-depth
information - 192p. - $10
>Buss TV Fuse Chart - 1961 - 64p. - TV models and original fuse data - $4
>Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, The - 1952 - 112p. - Everything about CRT's and
circuits - $6
>CB Factbook and Language Dictionary - 1977 - Great little booklet covers
all the slang CB terms of the day as well as product info - 128p. - $7
>CB Radio - 1976 - This booklet from Lafayette covers basic CB info and
ideas. FCC rules, 10 codes, Q signals and CB slang - 48p. - $4
>CB Radio - 1977 - This pocket book covers all the basic CB topics. 210p.
- $6
>CB Slanguage Language Dictionary - 1977 - CB jargon from A to Z. - 245p. - $8
>CEI Serviceman's Catalog - 1982 - 31 p. - Complete product catalog,
illustrated - $3
>Channel Master Antennas - 1965 - 8p. - Catalog of antennas and accessories
- $2
>Chevrolet Radio Shop Manuals - 1955,60,61,65 - Covers each years radios,
all models - $25ea.
>Chilton's CB Handbook - 1977 - A fine guide to choosing, installing and
operating a CB radio. Very well illustrated and documented - 156p. - $9
>Circuit Design for Electronic Instrumentation - 1979 - Technical text with
many diagrams and lots of math. Valuable guide to design work - 390p. - $12
>Cisin's Tube Substitution Guide - 1959 - 23p. - Covers common sub data
including foreign - $3
>Construction Techniques and Projects - Volume 2 - 1977 - A Radio Shack
publication with several transistor electronic projects, tips and how-to -
160p. - $4
>Color TV Guidebook - Problems & Solutions - 1966 - Covers unique problems
found in 14 different brands (GE, Philco, RCA, etc.) - 176p. - $7
>Color TV Trouble Clues - Volime 2 - 1970 - Well illustrated guide to
trouble shooting color TV's - A Sam's Publication - 170p. - $5
>Color TV Trouble Factbook - 1970 - Problems and solutions focusing on
specific problems in certain popular brands of TV's - 175p. - $9
>Cornell-Dubilier TV Capacitors Replacement - 1960's? - 49p. - By make &
model - $3
>CQ Magazine - Dec. 1950, March 58, April 58 - Interesting radio news and
product ads - $5ea.
>Dictionary of Electronic Terms - 1984 - Well illustrated Radio Shack
publication with over 1200 terms, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. - 94p. - $5
>Digital Electronics for Broadcasters - 1981 - Topics covered include logic
gates, IC's, counters, registers, power supplies, and many more - 252p. - $8
>Digital Techniques - Book 1- 1988 - Heathkit's Educational Systems. Very
large and technical training manual - 300p.(+/-) - $15
>Direct Current Circuit Analysis - 1970 - 150p.- In-depth info on all types
of circuits - $10
>Eico - 1976 Product Catalog - Photos and listings of all 1976 Eico
products - $12
>Electriaid - 1948 - Set of four dial charts for over 120 equations,
tables, coversions, etc. - $10
>Electron Tubes in Industry - 1952 - Henney and Fahnestock's noted text
book on tube basics, circuit types and various applications - 353p. - $30
>Electronics Technician 3 & 2 - Vol. 2 - 1973 - Navy training manual covers
radar, IFF, Loran, Tacan, satellite and inertial navigation - 313p. - $25
>Eveready Batteries Catalog - 1960's? - 27p. - Illustrated color catalog of
products - $5
>Eveready Battery Data & Reference Guide - 1960's - 20p. Complete battery
data - $4
>Fidelitone Replacement Needle Guide - 1961 - 50p. - Phonograph needle and
stylus info - $4
>First-Class Radiotelephone License Handbook - 1966 - 400p. Extensive info
- $7
>Fundamentals of Radio, The - 1945 - Nice hardback covers all of the basics
- Radio theory and practice - Over 200p. - $10
>GC Electronics - Citizens Band Accessories Catalog - 23p., info. plus
photos of products - $5
>GE Essential Characteristics Tube Manual - 1960? - 107p. Technical tube
data - $14
>GE SCR Manual - 1964 - A large compilation of technical and practical
information on silicon controlled rectifiers - much useful data - 409p. - $12
>GE Service Manual - Late 40's - Extensive info on many years & 100's of
radios & phonos - $30
>GE Transistor Manual - 1960 - 329p. - Circuits, applications and
specifications, spiral bound - $12
>Ham Radio Incentive Licensing Guide - 1969 - l60p. - Questions from the
test, lots of info - $5
>Handbook of Electronic Meters - Theory and Application - 1969 - A
technical manual on many types and uses of electronic meters - 180p. - $9
>Handbook of Semiconductor Electronics - 1962 - Extensive theory and
circuit applications - 679p. - $20
>Handbook of Television Repair - 1956 - Soft cover with terrific photos of
sets of the period. Handy tips and ideas for repairs and installations -
144p. - $12
>Heathkit Product Manuals - 18 different catalogs from 1974 to 83 - Many
full color photos- $8ea.
>Heathkit Electronic Desk Top Calculator #IC-2008A - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit Ultrasonic Cleaner #GD-1150 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit Solid State FM Stereo Table Radio #GR-36 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit AM-FM Clock Radio #GR-58 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit "Mohican" Communications Receiver #GC-1A - A copy of the owners
manual - $15
>Heathkit Photoelectric Light Switch #GD-600 - Original manual only - $5
>Heathkit Fish Spotter #MI-29 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit Two-way Bookshelf Speaker System #AS-1042 - Original manual only
- $5
>Heathkit Solid State Voltmeter #IM-16 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit Turntable Instructions #AD-1135 - Original manual only - $3
>Heathkit 8-Track Stereo Tape Player #GD-28 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit Ultrasonic Intrusion Alarm #GD-39 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit Electronic Clock #GC-1005 - Original manual only - $5
>Heathkit 12" Portable Television Set #GR-104A - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit Tape Recorder #TR-1C - Original manual only - $10
>Heathkit Electronic Digital Thermometer #ID-1390 - Original manual only - $3
>Heathkit Digital Car Clock #GC-1093 - Original manual only - $3
>Heathkit Digital Multimeter #IM-1210 - Original manual only - $7
>Heathkit AM-FM Stereo Receiver #AR-1214 - Original manual only $7
>Heathkit Automatic Battery Charger #GP-21 - Original manual only- $3
>Hoffman 1958 TV & Hi-Fi Service Data - 4 large pages preliminary service
information - $2
>Hoffman Beamrider Remote Control - 1957 - Large sheet with schematics and
data - $2
>Hoffman B&W TV Service Data - 1957 - 6 p. Newspaper size sheet of info &
schematics - $2
>Hoffman 4 Speed Record Changer - 1957 - 6p. Newspaper size data sheets and
information - $2
>Hoffman High Fidelity Service Data - 1957 - 800 & 8000 series, plus VM
phonos - $2
>Hoffman TV Service Data Chassis #309-21, #310-21 - 1955 - 6p. with
schematics - $1
>Hoffman TV Service Data Chassis #411,12-14 - 1955 - 8p. - Tuning and
information - $2
>Hoffman TV Service Data Chassis #327 - Dec. 1957 - Model 1227 with
schematics - $3
>How To Become A Radio Amateur - ARRL - 1964 - 128p. Information, ads and
photos - $3
>How To Build Speaker Enclosures - 1975 - A Sam's publication. Well
illustrated and a wealth of info on speaker construction - 144p. - $7
>How To Get Ahead in the TV and Radio Servicing Business-1957-56p. - $2
>How To Read Schematic Diagrams - 1957 - This hard to find Rider
publication is in great shape and covers in-depth all of the basic diagram
types and circuit information. A valuable addition to any radio library -
147p. - $15
>Inside Electronics - 1964 - Terrific history of radio topics - The how and
why of radio, TV, stereo and hi-fi - 222p. - $8
>International Rectifier - 1980-81 Product Digest - Lists solid state
devices - 44p. - $5
>Jensen "Jenselector" Phonograph Needle Guide - 1960 - 23p. Lists models
and needles - $7
>Know Your Oscilloscope - 1967 - 176p. - Sam's illustrated guide, in-depth
data, theory - $7
>Lafayette Product Catalog - 1956 - Photos and descriptions of thousands of
items - 96 pages - $12
>Lafayette Gift Guide - 1957 - 48 pages crammed with hundreds of Lafayette
products - $8
>Lafayette Product Catalog - Winter 1960 - 48 large sized pages of great
products of the day - $12
>Made in Japan - Transistor Radios of the 1950's and 1960's - A beautiful
full color book showing many examples of the early transistor radios.
Extensive information - an excellent resource - 108p. - $22.50
>Magnetic Recording - 1953 - Excellent technical guide with great theory
and history on early recording equipment - Illustrated - 142p. - $20
>Mallory Radio Service Encyclopedia - 1948 - Massive catalog of information
and parts numbers for replacement parts - covers 1000's of radio models -
also includes Rider's reference - 517p. - $45
>Mercury Test Equipment - Early 60's? - 16p. - Photos and information for
test gear - $2
>Mercury TV Trouble shooting guide - 1958 - 1p. - Free with any order.
>Montgomery Ward Service Manual - For model 35WG-2765G Information and
schematic - $1
>Mopar Radio Model 803 - 1949 - Foldout owners manual, schematic and data - $5
>Motorola - 1975 Semiconductor Selector Guide - With cross reference
supplement - $5
>Motorola Monochrome TV Service Manual - 1972 - Chassis TS-458 thru TS-613,
photos, schematics and much moredata - 196p. - $8
>Motorola Service Manual - 1954 - 11p. - For model 79FM21 radio/record
player - $3
>Motorola - Zener Diode and Rectifier Handbook - 1961 - Data on use and
applications - 232p. - $12
>Most Often Needed 1926-38 Radio Diagrams - 1941 - Info for radio servicing
- $35
>Navships - 1960 - Selected Semiconductor Circuits - 400p. ? In-depth
information - $15
>Navships - 1965 - Electronics Circuits - In-depth information on different
circuits - 300p? - $15
>Navships - Miniature Parts & Integrated Circuit Devices - 1965 with
supplement. - 300p. - $15
>Navy - Electricity and Electronics Training Series - 1983 - # 5, 6, 11 -
Generators & Motors, Tubes &
>Power Supplies, Microwaves - 100p. to 200p. ea. - $5 each.
>Navy Electronics Training - Student Drill Guide - 1949 - Tests for basic
knowledge in 24 drills - $5
>Navy - 1962 Training Manual - Transistors and Printed Circuits-178p. - $12
>NRI Professional Charges for Radio & TV Service - 1964 - 14p. Pocket sized
- $2
>Official CB Dictionary - 1976 - Over 1000 definitions plus FCC rules and
regulations and the CB 10 code - 140p. - $7
>On The Color TV Service Bench - 1970 - Jay Shanes noted book on tracking
down problems in color TV's. A very good reference book - 190p. - $15
>Operating Audio-Visual Equipment - 1968 - Basic illustrated guide to
setting up and operating many types of audio-visual equipment - 76p. - $8
>Packard Bell Service Manual - Feb. 14, 1957 - Covers 6 TV models for 1957
- $4
>Philco TV Service Manual - 1957 - 20p. - Data on models 8H25 & 8H25U - $4
>Philco Socket Power Operating Instructions - 1927 - 4p.- Dealer & customer
information - $5
>Pin Point TV Troubles in 10 Minutes - 1961 - 342p. - Guide to TV
troubleshooting - $15
>Pin Point TV Troubles - 1967 - Troubleshoot 700 causes of faulty pictures
- 342p. - $15
>Pix-O-Fix TV Troublefinder Guide - 1953 - 12p. - Vol 1 & 2 - A guide to TV
problems - $4/set.
>Principles of Radar - 1946 - From the radar school at MIT - very nice
technical book - 900p? - $20
>Profitable Radio Troubleshooting - 1956 - 330p. - Illustrated guide plus
general tips - $12
>Profitable TV Troubleshooting - 1957 - 471p. - Valuable tips for the TV
service repairman - $15
>QST Magazines - May 1944, Dec. 1945, - $5ea.
>QST Magazines - July 1950, Feb. 1952, June 1953, Oct.1954, Aug.1956,
Nov.1957, July 1958, Aug.1959, Jan.1960 - $4 ea.
>Radar Circuit Analysis - 1951 - US Air Force, theory, circuits,
applications of radar - 450p? - $25
>Radar System Fundamentals - 1944 - Comprehensive Navy manual on radar
systems - 390p. - $15
>Radio Amateur's Handbook - 1979 - 400p.? - ARRL publication with complete
information - $9
>Radio Amateur's License Manual - ARRL - 1945 - 38p. Interesting
information and ads - $10
>Radio Amateur's License Manual - ARRL - 1965 - 112p. Interesting
information and ads - $7
>Radio Amateur's World Atlas - 1974 - Handy maps of all countries and their
call sign series - 20p. - $5
>Radio Craft - Dec. 1938, Feb. 1941, Sept. 1943 - Excellent stories and
projects plus illustrated ads of the period. If you collect radio
memorabillia you will truly enjoy these fine magazines - 65p. - $20 each
>Radio Electronic Circuits - 1947 - A very useful booklet that covers
dozens of circuit types and appliations - Illustrated - 64p. - $5
>Radio Engineering - 1948 - Excellent technical book by E.K. Sandeman,
theory and math - 775p. - $25
>Radio Engineers' Handbook - 1943 - Very technical excellent book for the
electronics engineer or designer. Theory based, a superb text - 1019p. - $35
>Radio From Start to Finish - 1942 - A walk through the history pages of
radio with great photos and stories. Fun to study - 160p. - $12
>Radio Handbook, The - 1942 - A wide range of topics in 28 chapters - 640p.
- $30
>Radio Handbook, The - 1959, 63 - William Orr's books on radio theory and
applications - 800+p. - $25
>Radio's Master - 1952-3 - Official buying guide of the industry. Huge
book of everything electronic offered by Harper-Meggee, Inc. - Like an
Allied catalog but much larger - Great stuff - $45
>Radio News - Feb. 1946, Sept. 1946, Oct. 1946, Nov. 1946, Dec. 1946 -
Excellent radio magazine. Great articles, projects and ads. - 150p. - $12
>Radio Receivers and Servicing - 1930 - A rare early radio book. Covers
servicing AC and DC sets of the time period - Very good condition - 106p. -
>Radio Retailing - Dec. 1939 & March 1940 - Terrific copies of this highly
prized magazine. Great stories and dozens of pictures of radio models -
65p. - $20 each.
>Radio Shack Sale Catalog - Spring of 1959 - 24 large pages with hundreds
of items and photos - $10
>Radio Shack - Model TRC-224 CB Radio - 1993 - 11p. - Owner's manual plus
CB rules - $2
>Radio Shack Realistic Guide to CB Radio - 1976 - Covers many aspects of CB
Radio use and equipment. - 96p. - $5
>Radio Shack TV Tube Symptoms & Troubles - 96 pages of TV troublshooting - $4
>Radio Troubleshooters Handbook - 1941 - 708p. - A most sought after
service book - $40
>Radio Troubleshooters Handbook - 1943 - 744p. - One of the best trouble
shooting references to own - $40
>Radio Up to the Minute - 1924 - Excellent condition - This 388p. book
covers a wide range of basic radio information. A must for the serious
collector - $35
>Raytheon "Electron Tube Grid Currents" - 1954 - 15p. - Overview of grid
current types - $3
>Raytheon Receiving Tubes - Jan 29, 1968 - 1p. - List prices on tubes - $1
>RCA Color TV Service Handbook vol. 2 - 1968 - 176p. Spiral-bound,
illustrated - $5
>RCA Solid State Hobby Circuits Manual - 1968 - 224p. Thirty-five projects
to build - $9
>RCA Keep Up With Color - 1966 - Color brochure for dealers, plus Disney
promo - $3
>RCA Service Data Index - 1958 - 40p. - Indexes RCA service info from
1945-57 - $3
>RCA Service Data - 1950 - 5p. - Covers radio/record player model 45-W-10 - $1
>RCA Service Data - 1955 - 150p? - Six bulletins covering TV's of the time
- $4 set.
>RCA Service Data - 1956 - 100p.? - Four bulletins covering TV's of the
time - $4 set.
>RCA Service Data - 1957 - 16p. - Covers 17-S series portable TV's - $2
>RCA Service Guides - Color TV Receivers - Covers 1955 to 1968 - Excellent
- $15 set of two.
>RCA Service News - Summer 1964 - 12p. - Updates and info for repairmen - $2
>RCA Television Service Clinic - 1954 - 54p.- In-depth information on RCA's
1st color TV - $45
>RCA Television Service Clinic - 1957 - 48p. - Covers the 800 series color
TV's - $5
>RCA Transistor Manual - 1966 - A huge database of transistor info - 480p.
- $10
>RCA Tube Manual - 1940 - Early version with extensive receiving tube data
- 255p. - $25
>RCA Tube Manual - 1963 - Extensive receiving tube data - 544p. - $25
>Realistic Guide to CB Radio - 1976 - A Radio Shack publication that covers
equipment, installations, antennas, tips and tricks - 95p. - $4
>Regency Regional Frequency Directory - Huge listings of scanner
frequencies covering 11 northern and northwest states - 390p. - $15
>Rider Complete Index For TV Volumes #1 thru 9 - 1952 - Index for TV
manuals - $15
>Rider Complete Index For TV Volumes #1 thru 10 - 1952 - Index for TV
manuals - $15
>Rider's Manuals - Volumes #12, 13, 16 - Radio schematics, very good
condition $25 each
>S-9 Signals by William Orr - 1954 - Fine little reference book on antennas
for amateur radio enthusiasts. Great tips and how-to info - 48p. - $5
>Sam's Photofact Annual Index - 1974 - 160p. - Index for sets #1 thru #1367
- $12
>Sam's Photofact Annual Index - 1977 - 175p. - Index for sets #1 thru #1619
- $12
>Sam's Study Guide for CET Examinations - 1971 - 272p. - All the info
needed to take the test - $6
>Sam's Transistor Substitution Handbook - 1961 - First edition in this
valuable series. Lists 6500 direct transistor subs - 92p. - $7
>Sam's Transistor Substitution Handbook - 1965 or 1967 - 127p. Lists 1000's
of subs - $5ea.
>Sam's Tube Substitution Handbook - 1960 - 96p.- Vol. 1 regular size - $15
>Sam's Tube Substitution Handbook - 1964 - 128p.- Vol. 7 regular size - $12
>Sam's Tube Substitution Handbook - 1964 - 124p.- Vol. 8 regular size - $12
>Sam's Tube Substitution Handbook - 1964 - 96p. - Pocket sized 8th edition
- $8
>Sam's Tube Substitution Handbook - 1974 - 96p. - Pocket sized 18th edition
- cover rough - $6
>Sam's Tube Substitution Handbook - 1967 - 124p. - Vol. 10 regular size - $12
>Servicing Unique Electronic Apparatus - 1960 - Covers timers, rf diathermy
machines, electronic photoflash, scoreboards, radio controlled garage door
openers, movie projectors, photoelectric cells and more - 125p. - $10
>Shure Reactance Slide Rule - 1957 - Compute inductive & capacitive
reactance & more - $4
>Silvertone Owners Manual - 1949 - 26p. - Chassis 101.761 Wire Recorder and
Radio - $7
>Silvertone Tape Recorder - 1964 - 10p. - Parts list and instructions for
model 4075 - $2
>Sperry Engineer Review - Radar - 1962 - The history, applications and
future of radar - 57p. - $8
>Stancor TV Transformer Replacement Guide - Late 60's? -95p.Lists over 7000
models - $5
>Surplus Conversion Handbook - 1964 - 192p. - Covers over 58 different
radio models - $18
>Surplus Radio Conversion Manual - 1948 - Vol. 1 - 125p. - Conversion info
on 13 models - $20
>Surplus Radio Conversion Manual - 1960 - Vol. 3 - 88p. - Conversion info
on 30 models - $20
>Sylvania Complete Service Info - 1955 - 80p. - Covers TV models #612, 614,
622 - $4
>Sylvania ECG Semiconductors Replacement Guide - 1976 - 241p. - A lot of
information here - $10
>Sylvania ECG Semiconductors Master Replacement Guide-1979-350p. - $10
>Sylvania Picture Tube Interchangeability Chart - 1962 - 1p. - $1
>Sylvania Picture Tube Prices - 1963, 67 - 1p. - 50 cents ea.
>Sylvania Radio Tubes Characteristics - 1949 - Large booklet with extensive
data on tubes - 28p. - $15
>Sylvania Receiving Tube Prices - 1969, 72, 74-1p.- 50 cents ea.
>Sylvania Semiconductor Prices - 1969 - 1p. - 50 cents
>Sylvania Special Purpose Tube Prices - 1965 - 1p. - $1
>Symfact Guide to TV Servicing - 1973 - A Sam's book, illustrated guide to
TV problems - 160p. - $7
>Television and Radio Repairing - 1953 - Excellent presentation for
testing, repairing and replacing TV and radio parts - 556p. - $20
>Television Cyclopedia - 1951 - From Coyne School of Electronics - From A
to Z this is a complete book on television theory and application - 730p. -
>Television Cyclopedia - 1963 - Coyne School of Electronics - Complete TV
servicing guide - 868p. - $25
>Television for Radio Men - Volume 2 - 1955 - Approx. 250 pages of theory
and technical information on televisions. - An excellent text. - $8
>Television Simplified - 1950 - Comprehensive illustrated manual covering
all aspects of TV theory, tuning, troubleshooting and circuits - 608p. - $20
>Test Methods & Practices - 1955 - 300p.? - Navy training manual. Very
good basic and technical information - $15
>Text Book on Radio - 1922 - In fine shape, this very old and rare book
covers a wide range of topics on radio theory, circuits and antennas.
336p. -$35
>Transistor Projects - 1962 - A fine project related book for the
electronics experimenter. A dozen fun projects - 160p. - $8
>Truetone TV Instructions - Late 50's - 8 seperate bulletins covering TV's
- $4
>Understanding Solid-State Electronics - 1978 - A Radio Shack publication.
Covers the basics plus many technical aspects of solid-state - 270p. - $10
>Using Your Meter - VOM and DVM Multitesters - 1985 A good how-to booklet
on getting the most fron your test meters - 138p. - $8
>Vis-u-all Tube Substitution Guide - 1964? - 1p. - Tube subs and test
equipment - 50 cents
>Waldom - 1978 - The Electro-Mechanical House - Lists 1000's of products - $5
>Webcor Stereo Diskchanger - 1962 - 4p. - Owner operating instructions - $2
>Western Electric - Several bulletins from the Teletype Corp. from the late
30's to the early 50's. Teletype was a subsidiary of Western Electric.
The bulletins are about Printing Telegraph Systems such as the "Single
Magnet Reperforator". Approx. 75 pages in all. Nice condition. - $30
>Xcelite Pro Handtools - 1960's? - 24p.- Color catalog for Radio & TV
service - $4
>Zalytron Electron Tubes - Early 60's - 16p. - Tubes and other products
offered by Zalytron - $5
>Zenith Cross Reference Manuals - 1973 - Reference capacitors, resistors,
etc. - $7 set of 5
>Zenith High Fidelity Service Manual - 1958 - 42p. - Service data on 35
models - $4
>Zenith TV Features Chart - 1958 - Oversized foldout showing TV models and
info - $2
>Zenith Service Manuals - 1954-59 - 500p.? - 11 TV service bulletins - $12
for all.
>WANTED: I am looking for tube trays - the type that hold five boxed
tubes. Any brand is OK. Large quantities needed in all sizes. Please
e-mail me if you have them - will buy or trade.
>Payment will be accepted by personal check, money order, cashiers check or
mint regular issue US postage stamps. COD shipments can also be arranged.
Orders paid by personal check will be delayed until check clears the bank.
Orders shipped US Priority Mail, unless you request other arrangements.
>Roger Gould
>16953 Tyee Drive
>Entiat, WA 98822-9704
>Please add shipping and handling charges as follows: Under 2 lbs - $5,
Over 2 lbs. - as needed per weight. The above rate applies to shipments
within the USA.
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