Source of Curtis 8044ABM ICs
al parker
al_parker at KACC.COM
Mon Nov 17 04:25:29 EST 1997
Jim, et al,
I picked up a card from the following at a swapfest some time
ago, they said they had many old ICs. I have never tried them out,
so it may not help you, but worth a try.
Just In Time IC's
Fremont, CA
ph. 510 490 1377
email justintime at
web pg
I have no connect with, or further knowledge of, them.
73, Al, W8UT al_parker at
Dublin, CA
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Source of Curtis 8044ABM ICs
>>Does anyone know of a source of unused Curtis 8044ABM ICs for buildi ng a
keyer? Mouser used to carry them but says that Curtis has stopped making
them. Is the TiCK keyer chips the only ones being manufactured these days?
Jim Rybak W0KSD
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