"AM" vs. DSB

John Kolb jlkolb at CTS.COM
Tue Nov 18 01:07:40 EST 1997

On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Joel Govostes wrote:

> Now -- DSB.  Several years ago, I owned a Hallicrafters HT-(I think)32,
> which I ran in conjunction with a SX111 rcvr.  The tx ran either sideband,
> CW, or or "DSB", as it appeared on the mode switch.  This, as I was told by
> the ham I obtained the gear from, was compatible with AM, and I did get the

Yes, perfectly adjusted DSB would have both sidebands only, no carrier
at all. To copy DSB properly, a phase locking detector would
be required (see Dec. 1956 CQ for one), or either sideband could be
received by itself on a SSB receiver.  Either the AM stations
you worked thought you were SSB, tuned it as such and didn't comment on
it, I would suspect your carrier was not nulled much at all, so
it sounded like normal AM.

John KOlb  KK6IL

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