BA SWAP LIST Ripped off

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Wed Nov 19 06:44:42 EST 1997

On 18 Nov 97 at 12:34, Tom wrote:

> >Yesterday's complaint by one of us about having been ripped off brought
> >several excuses for the offender and some blame for the one who had
> >gotten ripped off.
> I am not going to play "moral cop" here, but would not a better way of
> presenting the problem be something such as "Does anyone know how to
> get in touch with Robert Fowle?" or words to that effect.
> I had a similar situation a few months ago when I had promised to send a
> check off for a manual copy ( very small amount ) The person who sent the
> manual after not hearing from me sent a very acidic letter that did about
> everything
> except question my lineage. Not a simple "Have you forgotten?"
> He went on and on and on.....
> At the time, I was in the hospital. Had what amounted to a light stroke
> brought
> on by stress. And I am 35 and in good health other wise.
> I was lucky that the person in question didnt post on all lists I was on
> and all
> newgroups the "KA4RKT is a CROOK!!! Do NOT deal with him!!!"
> He didnt and offered great apology for the fit he threw, and was very nice
> to me otherwise after that.
> Messages do slip throught the cracks, and the message regarding the
> transaction may have just gotten deleted, waiting for the "rippee" to send
> said "have you forgotten" traffic.
> Of course that is just my opinion. And like... errrr... elbows, most of us
> have one... :-)
> 73
> Tom

Very well put, TOm.

Some guys DO tend to jump the gun on these things without thinkig
about WHY the other individual might be delaying...

I had a similar situation earlier this year with a ham who sold me a
riga nd took a couple of months to send it, after I had set the
money. He let me know that it might take a while but I wasn't
expecting it to be that long.

He didn't reply to my e-mails for a week or two because he was busy
and I finally got his phone number and we talked. It still took a few
more weeks, but by then I understood! The said BA, was in two
different locations in storage requiring a trip or two and the feller
was just plain busy! I was in no hurry so it worked out fine.

He even offered to send my dough back if I couldn't wait.

These things happen, but I have found hams, ESPECIALLY BA enthusiasts
to be 99.99% reliable.

I sold a guitar to a fellow ham this week - a guy I had never met,
and he asked if I would take a check.

I said "sure no problem." As it turned out he works for the FBI so I
felt even more sure I had done the right thing.

Amateur radio is an honorable fraternity of you ask me. I love it!

73 to all - Bry, AF4K

*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
**  E-mail to:  bry at                     *
*** ICQ: 3910641  ***
**                     *
AM International #1024, TENTEN #13582. GRID FM19. Using a SWAN 250 on 6m,
Other rigs: Valiant, DX-60/HG-10, FT-840, TM-261, Ameco TX-62, Gonset Communicator III
HTX-202...TEN-TEN #13582, DXCC #17,763 Bicentennial WAS

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