Heath HP-23-A Power Supply

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at AENEAS.NET
Wed Nov 26 00:04:28 EST 1997

I have a Heath HP-23-A power supply that has an 11 pin tube
socket for an output with the following printing for the pins:

Adj. Bias
AC Common
AC Switch
6V Fil
Fil. common

My questions are:

(1) Does anyone know if the 6V filament source will supply the
    necessary 4 amperes for a 811A (a potential Hartley rig!)

(2) Does anyone know the voltage and current rating of the +HV?

(3) Does anyone know the voltage and current rating of the +LV?

Thank you for reading this and I would appreciate any info you
may have on the Heath HP-23-A.  I do not have a manual on it.

Rod, N5HV
w5hvv at aeneas.net

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