
Richard H. Arland, K7SZ k7sz at JUNO.COM
Sun Nov 30 17:42:33 EST 1997

Nice picture of a set of 4-400s in the latest QST, don'tcha think?

Keeps 'ya warm on cold winter nights.

They were taken thru the front glass of an operating Collins 20-V at KCLX
Radio, 1450 KHz, in Colfax, WA. This was the very first BC TX I ever
played with when I started in BC in 1964. This TX was still in operation
in 1993 when these pix were taken (Nikon FG, 28mm f2.8 lens, polarizing
filter. Exposure data:  f8 @ 1/60 bracketed 2 shutter speeds  in both
directions on Fuji 400 ASA print film). This TX was subsequently taken
off the air in 1996 and replaced with a solid state TX.

73 s

rich K7SZ
(ex; K7YHA)

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