Posting of attached files

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Wed Oct 1 09:55:29 EDT 1997

My mail reader alows me to exclude larger files if I wish.
However, I know plenty of folks don't have that luxury.
Others do reject attached files altogether - JUNO for example.

If anyone wants to post some cool BINARY FILES of BA pictures or
SCHEMATICS, I will be willing for them to e-mail them (in limited
quantity and size of course!) to me and I will post them on my WEB
PAGES so that anyone on this list can retrieve them there.

This will get them off the list but still make them available to
those who would like them!

I will soon be adding a few nifty schematics, but for now you can
find what I have at:

Enjoy & 72/73 to all - AF4K, Bry

On  1 Oct 97 at 5:36, Robert wrote:

> At 06:38 PM 9/29/97 +0000, you wrote:
> >Gang,
> >
> >I am speaking for myself here.  Please do not post files with attachments
> >to the entire list. Remember not everyone has a mail reader that can deal
> >with attachments. My mail reader can, but I don't want a bunch of unwanted
> >files landing on my hard drive.
> >
> >Thanks and 73,
> >
> >Rick Robinson kf4ar
> I agree with Rick. Unwanted binaries sent through a listserver get deleted
> from my HD without being looked at/opened. Just not interested in them.
> bratcher at
> Record collector, 8mm, super 8, 16 and 35mm Film collector.
> Looking for prerecorded reel to reel tape albums.
> I like old radio's too.
> Collins, Hallicrafters, National & Hammarlund are my Favorites!
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*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
**  E-mail to:  bry at                     *
*** See the interesting ham radio resources at:    *
**                     *
AM International #1024, TENTEN #13582. GRID FM19. Using a SWAN 250 on 6m,
Other rigs: Valiant, DX-60/HG-10, FT-840, TM-261, Ameco TX-62, Gonset Communicator III
HTX-202...TEN-TEN #13582, DXCC #17,763 Bicentennial WAS

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