QST Magazines

Dick Dillman ddillman at IGC.APC.ORG
Wed Oct 8 01:29:08 EDT 1997

At 08:50 AM 10/7/97 -0700, Rod Pears wrote:

>  While cleaning out an estate, we have many QST magazines, starting from
>1934 to 1968 we would like to sell as many of these as we can for the
>widow..  E-mail me or contact Don Wiggins at   416-493-1955

Greetings, Rod.  Thanks for the message.  Here are my QST needs:

1937 - All
1939 - All except Oct/Nov/Dec (but will buy the year if that's how you'd
like to sell them)

If any of these are available please let me know the condition and price.



                                     Dick Dillman
                                <ddillman at igc.apc.org>
                                    WPE2VT  W6AWO
                              Collector Of Heavy Metal:
                        Harleys, Willys and Radios Over 100lbs.

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