TV-7D/U hints and kinks?

michael silva mjsilva at IX.NETCOM.COM
Mon Oct 13 00:47:45 EDT 1997

Hi all,

I just picked up a nice TV-7D/U (my first) and I have a few questions
for those in the know:

-Does the meter reading translate into an actual mu figure?

-How far below a "good" tube are the minimum readings given in the
manual?  I've tested a few tubes and they all seem to test about 50%
higher than the listed figure.

-I've got a reprint of TB 11-6625-274-12/1, but I see that AES has
another manual that covers calibration, etc.  Does this manual also
have a schematic?  Does a calibration/check take any exotic tools or

-Any other useful info?  How about settings for post-1962 tubes?

Thanks for any info!

Mike, KK6GM

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