75S3 and 516F2 Cabnet and others

Soundimp soundimp at POBOX.COM
Tue Oct 14 21:11:10 EDT 1997

>Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 20:07:40 -0500
>To: collins at listserv.tempe.gov
>From: Soundimp <soundimp at pobox.com>
>Subject: 75S3  and 516F2 Cabnet and others
>Cc: boatanchors at listserv.tempe.gov, baswaplist at foothill.net
>Have  the above  for sale...
>75S3... (winged) CCA Standars a VG  front panel  is  an EXC.  Works very
very well. Missing one CW Xtal and the 7.0 to 7.2...Will supply  one 10
meter Novice Xtal to  the buyer as compensation for the missing 40 meter.
$550.00 plus shipping  from Dallas   75149
>516F2 cabnet a CCA Good.  Can use a repaint...$100.00..Shipped. (Winged)
>KWM2....CCA Upper Exc with 516F2  all round.  This  one  was my  keeper
till I found  my pristine M2A  Hi!!! Can eat off the chasis  guys...
>$950.00  plus shipping from Dallas.
>R390A...CCA Fair to Good  has top cover... Bought  from an estate ..All
modules  there  have  not  fired  it   up  and  not  going  to...This  one
is  in my  estimation a very  restorable  receiver....$300  plus sipping
Pick Up prefered....Dallas

Forgot  to List the 312B4  Winged...CCA Good...$150.00...Sorry  for the
extra bandwidth  guys!!!!

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